[horde] Anyone else having trouble with decoding s/mime?

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Tue Nov 29 21:15:09 UTC 2011

Quoting williamson.day at gmail.com:

> What  I am trying to say, however, is that problems with my configuration
> of  Horde are not limited to s/mime messages from Penango.  This problem
> might  only be an inconvenience that is unique to me, but then again, it
> *might*   have broader implications.  I am trying to be helpful, not
> obstructive or  obtuse here.

Some of the frustration from our side was that we explained why that  
message was broken and you came back with a message asking when we  
were going to fix our software.

> I have attached a message generated by Microsoft Outlook 2007, encrypted
> with s/mime, and mailed to my server.  Thunderbird decodes and displays it
>   without a hitch.  Horde gives me the same error message saying that it
> has  been encrypted with s/mime, could not decrypt s/mime data.  In fact,
> I can't  even get Horde to decrypt a message sent from Horde back to
> itself.  (Thunderbird decrypts it.)

This would be a totally different situation, since that *is* a valid  
RFC-formatted S/MIME message.  However, this message views fine for me  
(see attachment).

Are you sure you are using the latest version of IMP (5.0.15)?


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]
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