[horde] iPhone 4 replacement

lp.allard.1 at gmail.com lp.allard.1 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 02:45:17 UTC 2011

which Nokia do you have?  what version of Android?  which horde framework release?  my iPhone and razr both synched pretty well especially the razr ...

the Nokia phone if running gingerbread or ics should sync well. .

any errors in Apache, activesync,  horde, or on the phone?   what behavior do you experience?

Sent from my Motorola device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Envoyé depuis mon téléphone Motorola sur le réseau sans fil Rogers

-----Original message-----
From: gimili <gimili17 at gmail.com>
To: "lp.allard.1 at gmail.com" <lp.allard.1 at gmail.com>
Sent: 2011 Nov, Wed, 30 20:37:18 EST
Subject: Re: [horde] iPhone 4 replacement

Thanks for the info.  I am in Ottawa and have a nokia with rogers and it 
doesn't seem to work that well with horde so I am looking at options.

I also have an ipod and it seems to work really well with horde.  It is 
one model behind the current one.

On 28/11/2011 10:28 PM, lp.allard.1 at gmail.com wrote:
> I've had my fair share of problems with the iPhone trying to sync with 
> horde.  not sure why but sometimes (more often than you would think) 
> it simply wouldn't sync and of course none of the Apache, activesync 
> or horde logs would tell why and obviously the iPhone did not say a 
> thing...
> my biggest grip against apple is the way everything is controlled and 
> forced through their services like iTunes ( or apple store) which I 
> could not really run since I use Linux on all machines...
> running iTunes in a virtual box and trying to sync 5000 songs?  good luck!
> other rants were more hardware related.  while the iPhone looked 
> sharp,  it lack the microSD slot and the screen could be bigger.
> jail breaking an iPhone seemed a nightmare with firmware,  OS and 
> exploit versions...
> the Droid razr is not the best phone out there I am sure.  in fact 
> I've already found some flaws but overall the experience is much 
> better.  all gets sync'ed with horde even the tasks and the sync 
> between the phone and my server is almost real time.
> I think you got my point!  really I could get going for much longer 
> but I'm not sure the community would appre

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