[horde] Activesync - not getting email

cjdl01 cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com
Sat Dec 3 19:29:23 UTC 2011

Quoting Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> --
> Mike
> Sent from my iPad...
> On Dec 2, 2011, at 9:01 AM, cjdl01 <cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com> wrote:
>> I am using Horde 4.0.12, Imp 5.0.15 and Turba 3.0.10.  I have  
>> active sync up and running with a Motorola Droid2, and it seemed to  
>> be working great, until I noticed one important problem:  when I  
>> enter in a new contact on the Droid, all the information syncs back  
>> to the server EXCEPT for the email address.  Everything seems to  
>> sync correctly from the server to the droid, but not the other way  
>> around.
>> Unfortunately, I do not have another smart phone to test this on,  
>> but it definitely is not working on my Droid...
>> Thanks in advance.
> This is most likely a configuration issue. What does your  
> turba/config/backends.php file look like?

Thank you Michael.  I have taken out all the comments, and I don't  
know if I have an extra curly brace at the bottom because of it, so  
please forgive that.  But here it is:

$cfgSources['localsql'] = array(
     'disabled' => false,
     'title' => _("Shared Address Books"),
     'type' => 'sql',
     'params' => array(
         'table' => 'turba_objects'
     'map' => array(
         '__key' => 'object_id',
         '__owner' => 'owner_id',
         '__type' => 'object_type',
         '__members' => 'object_members',
         '__uid' => 'object_uid',
         'firstname' => 'object_firstname',
         'lastname' => 'object_lastname',
         'middlenames' => 'object_middlenames',
         'namePrefix' => 'object_nameprefix',
         'nameSuffix' => 'object_namesuffix',
         'name' => array('fields' => array('namePrefix', 'firstname',
                                           'middlenames', 'lastname',
                         'format' => '%s %s %s %s %s',
                         'parse' => array(
                             array('fields' => array('firstname',  
                                   'format' => '%s %s %s'),
                             array('fields' => array('firstname', 'lastname'),
                                   'format' => '%s %s'))),
         'alias' => 'object_alias',
         'birthday' => 'object_bday',
         'anniversary' => 'object_anniversary',
         'spouse' => 'object_spouse',
         'photo' => 'object_photo',
         'phototype' => 'object_phototype',
         'homeStreet' => 'object_homestreet',
         'homePOBox' => 'object_homepob',
         'homeCity' => 'object_homecity',
         'homeProvince' => 'object_homeprovince',
         'homePostalCode' => 'object_homepostalcode',
         'homeCountry' => 'object_homecountry',
         'homeAddress' => array('fields' => array('homeStreet', 'homeCity',
                                'format' => "%s \n %s, %s  %s"),
         'workStreet' => 'object_workstreet',
         'workPOBox' => 'object_workpob',
         'workCity' => 'object_workcity',
         'workProvince' => 'object_workprovince',
         'workPostalCode' => 'object_workpostalcode',
         'workCountry' => 'object_workcountry',
         'workAddress' => array('fields' => array('workStreet', 'workCity',
                                'format' => "%s \n %s, %s  %s"),
         'department' => 'object_department',
         'timezone' => 'object_tz',
         'email' => 'object_email',
         'homePhone' => 'object_homephone',
         'homeFax' => 'object_homefax',
         'workPhone' => 'object_workphone',
         'cellPhone' => 'object_cellphone',
         'assistPhone' => 'object_assistantphone',
         'fax' => 'object_fax',
         'pager' => 'object_pager',
         'title' => 'object_title',
         'role' => 'object_role',
         'company' => 'object_company',
         'logo' => 'object_logo',
         'logotype' => 'object_logotype',
         'category' => 'object_category',
         'notes' => 'object_notes',
         'website' => 'object_url',
         'freebusyUrl' => 'object_freebusyurl',
         'pgpPublicKey' => 'object_pgppublickey',
         'smimePublicKey' => 'object_smimepublickey',
         'imaddress' => 'object_imaddress',
         'imaddress2' => 'object_imaddress2',
         'imaddress3' => 'object_imaddress3'
     'tabs' => array(
         _("Personal") => array('firstname', 'lastname', 'middlenames',
                                'namePrefix', 'nameSuffix', 'name', 'alias',
                                'birthday', 'spouse', 'anniversary', 'photo'),
         _("Location") => array('homeStreet', 'homePOBox', 'homeCity',
                                'homeProvince', 'homePostalCode',  
                                'homeAddress', 'workStreet', 'workPOBox',
                                'workCity', 'workProvince', 'workPostalCode',
                                'workCountry', 'workAddress', 'timezone'),
         _("Communications") => array('email', 'homePhone', 'workPhone',
                                      'assistPhone', 'homeFax',
                                      'cellPhone', 'fax', 'pager', 'imaddress',
                                      'imaddress2', 'imaddress3'),
         _("Organization") => array('title', 'role', 'company',  
'department', 'logo'),
         _("Other") => array('category', 'notes', 'website', 'freebusyUrl',
                             'pgpPublicKey', 'smimePublicKey'),
     'search' => array(
     'strict' => array(
     'export' => true,
     'browse' => true,
     'use_shares' => true,
     'list_name_field' => 'lastname',
     'alternative_name' => 'company',

/* First we need to get the uid. */
$_ldap_uid = $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth('bare');
$_ldap_basedn = 'dc=example,dc=com';
$cfgSources['personal_ldap'] = array(
     'disabled' => true,
     'title' => _("My Address Book"),
     'type' => 'ldap',
     'params' => array(
         'server' => 'localhost',
         'tls' => false,
         'root' => 'ou=' . $_ldap_uid . ',ou=personal_addressbook,' .  
         'bind_dn' => 'uid=' . $_ldap_uid . ',ou=People,' . $_ldap_basedn,
         'bind_password' =>  
         'dn' => array('uid'),
         'objectclass' => array('top',
         'scope' => 'one',
         'charset' => 'utf-8',
         'version' => 3
     'map' => array(
         '__key' => 'dn',
         '__uid' => 'uid',

         'name' => 'cn',
         'email' => 'mail',
         'lastname' => 'sn',
         'title' => 'title',
         'company' => 'organizationname',
         'businessCategory' => 'businesscategory',
         'workAddress' => 'postaladdress',
         'workPostalCode' => 'postalcode',
         'workPhone' => 'telephonenumber',
         'fax' => 'facsimiletelephonenumber',
         'homeAddress' => 'homepostaladdress',
         'homePhone' => 'homephone',
         'cellPhone' => 'mobile',
         'notes' => 'description',

         'office' => 'roomNumber',
         'department' => 'ou',
         'nickname' => 'displayName',
         'website' => 'labeledURI',

         'pgpPublicKey' => 'object_pgppublickey',
         'smimePublicKey' => 'object_smimepublickey',

     'search' => array(
     'strict' => array(
     'approximate' => array(
     'export' => true,
     'browse' => true,


I did set both my apache2 and cli php.ini files to log to  
php_errors.log, but I cannot find any such file on my entire system.   
I have grepped through all my logs, and cannot find anything useful  
there either.

I appreciate the assistance.


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