[horde] Horde 4 Debian 6 Install Guide for Dummies

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at horde.org
Tue Feb 21 14:48:43 UTC 2012

Zitat von Andreas Mauser <andreas at mauser.info>:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi
> Am 21.02.2012 14:40, schrieb Simon Brereton:
>> On Feb 21, 2012 7:50 AM, "Andreas Mauser" <andreas at mauser.info> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Hi
>>> Am 21.02.2012 11:50, schrieb Ralf Lang:
>>>>> Look at the INSTALL instructions:
>>>>> http://www.horde.org/apps/webmail/docs/INSTALL#finishing-installation
>>>>> You must run
>>>>> PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR=/var/www/webmail php \
>>>>> -d include_path=/var/www/webmail/pear/php \
>>>>> /var/www/webmail/pear/webmail-install
>>> I tried again and 'webmail-install' is still found in /usr/bin instead
>>> of /var7www/webmail.
>>> What is the correct order stepBYstep to install horde 4 into separate
>> pear?
>>> Sorry for the inconvenience caused, I am very good with linux and seldom
>>> have problems, but according to the documentation I always run into a
>>> dead end :(
>> Well, my how-to, if I post it later will not document that. Why do to want
>> it in a separate PEAR install? And why do you want webmail and not the
>> separate packages?
> Yes, please post your step by step howto, I am eager to see it :) !
> I want Horde 4 to be installed in a directory of my choice. If I
> understood right I need the separate pear install to fulfill my wish,
> did I understand that correctly?


> Why do I want webmail.. well, if I understood right then 'webmail' will
> install the basic Horde4 for me. If webmail can run I indeed can install
> more modules, correct?


> If I am not right and misunderstood the docu please enlight me.
> I want:
> - - Install Horde 4 on Debian 6 with postfix and dovecot
> - - And Horde4 should install in a directory of my choice.
> - - And I want most of the modules provided by Horde4, IMP, Turba, etc...
> Andreas
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> =w1uR
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