[horde] Problem after upgrading Horde_Imap_Client + imapproxy

Xavier Montagutelli xavier.montagutelli at unilim.fr
Wed Feb 22 15:54:23 UTC 2012


I use the "imapproxy" daemon running on the same box as Horde. 

After upgrading my test system, and more precisely after upgrading 
Horde_Imap_Client from 1.4.4 to 1.5.0, *some* mailboxes cannot be read. A red 
popup appears in Horde stating it cannot retrieve the messages. 

The imapproxy daemon logs the error : 

Feb 22 13:48:27 webmail4 in.imapproxyd[1022]: IMAP_Line_Read(): connection 
closed prematurely.
Feb 22 13:48:27 webmail4 in.imapproxyd[1022]: Raw_Proxy(): Failed to read line 
from client on socket 14

Apache logs :

PHP Fatal error:  __clone method called on non-object in 
/usr/share/php/Horde/Imap/Client/Data/Envelope.php on line 90, referer: 

The same mailbox content, copied to a new one, works. My own mailbox had this 
error, and suddenly it works. Or not, it depends ...

Removing the imapproxy resolves the problem. imapproxy has not been upgraded 
during the process.

I *can* remove imapproxy from my setup. But I am puzzled, as the imapproxy is 
very light and acts as a mere ... proxy. Something related to charset, 
encoding ??

Any ideas ?

Xavier Montagutelli
Service Commun Informatique - Universite de Limoges
123, avenue Albert Thomas - 87060 Limoges cedex
Tel : +33 (0)5 55 45 77 20 /   Fax : +33 (0)5 55 45 75 95

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