[horde] Horde 4 and RPC

Robert Schetterer robert at schetterer.org
Wed Mar 7 10:29:00 UTC 2012

Am 07.03.2012 11:20, schrieb Andreas Mauser:
> Hi,
> ----- Nachricht von Robert Schetterer <robert at schetterer.org> ---------
>   Datum: Wed, 07 Mar 2012 11:05:23 +0100
>     Von: Robert Schetterer <robert at schetterer.org>
> Betreff: Re: [horde] Horde 4 and RPC
>      An: horde at lists.horde.org
>> Am 07.03.2012 10:56, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
>>> Am 07.03.2012 10:41, schrieb Andreas Mauser:
>>>> Hi Jan,
>>>> ----- Nachricht von Andreas Mauser <andreas at mauser.info> ---------
>>>>   Datum: Tue, 06 Mar 2012 20:39:56 +0100
>>>>     Von: Andreas Mauser <andreas at mauser.info>
>>>> Betreff: Re: [horde] Horde 4 and RPC
>>>>      An: horde at lists.horde.org
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> ----- Nachricht von Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> ---------
>>>>>   Datum: Tue, 06 Mar 2012 17:34:22 +0100
>>>>>     Von: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
>>>>> Betreff: Re: [horde] Horde 4 and RPC
>>>>>      An: horde at lists.horde.org
>>>>>> Zitat von Andreas Mauser <andreas at mauser.info>:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> ----- Nachricht von Andreas Mauser <andreas at mauser.info> ---------
>>>>>>> Datum: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 23:48:53 +0100
>>>>>>>   Von: Andreas Mauser <andreas at mauser.info>
>>>>>>> Betreff: [horde] Horde 4 and RPC
>>>>>>>    An: horde at lists.horde.org
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> with Horde 4 which path do I use to sync (in my case) my Blackberry
>>>>>>>> with RPC?
>>>>>>>> I tried to use https://mydomain/webmail/rpc.php as suggested at
>>>>>>>> http://wiki.horde.org/SyncHowTo?referrer=SyncMLProblemReport
>>>>>>>> I use the Nexthaus Client on my Berry and it does get 0 Items.
>>>>>>>> The names it's using for sync are:
>>>>>>>> card, event, tasks
>>>>>>>> The Nexthaus Client is also able to do multisession but that also
>>>>>>>> didnt help.
>>>>>>>> The Nexthaus debug error message e.g. for the calendar is: 'No
>>>>>>>> calendar sync anchor found'
>>>>>>>> What is the anchor? Any module to install in Horde4?
>>>>>>>> You suggest to use the Funambol client which I am unable to
>>>>>>>> install.
>>>>>>>> Maybe OffTopic a little but surely helpful:
>>>>>>>> Did anyone of you install the Funambol client for Blackberry OS v6
>>>>>>>> and could give me a hint? In the ZIP file I download from them
>>>>>>>> there are JAD and COD files, nothing 'installable' and the BB
>>>>>>>> Manager cant install it. I would like try the Funambol too before
>>>>>>>> investing to much time in Nexthaus (which doesnt work yet for me).
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>> Andreas
>>>>>>> For this I found another error message in syslos, maybe that helps:
>>>>>>> HORDE: [horde] Unable to find dtd for syncml:syncml1.11.2 [pid 22372
>>>>>>> on line 110 of
>>>>>>> "/var/www/mauser.info/mailoffice/pear/php/Horde/Xml/Wbxml/Encoder.php"]
>>>>>> IIRC there is an open bug report for this.
>>>>> Thank you Jan for this information.
>>>>> Is there any schedule when its going to be fixed? I feel this could be
>>>>> important for everybody.
>>>>> Is there anything I can try to fix it by myself? I really have a need
>>>>> for synchronization.
>>>> I found
>>>> http://lists.horde.org/archives/horde/Week-of-Mon-20110919/042141.html
>>>> and tried to downgrade.
>>>> Today I was able to sync 66 out of my 130 contacts with SlowSync with
>>>> the Nexthaus Client.
>>>> I did it several times but I was not able to get all contacts.
>>>> What can I do to sync all contacts?
>>> as meanwhile workaround export contacts from horde as vcf file and
>>> import i.e via usb, or send them as mail attachment works nice here on
>>> android, vcf file import/export should work everywhere
>>> perhaps change to ldif or csv format as alternative
>>>> Andreas
>>> for blackberry
>>> http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/14817/?lang=en
>>> try OneMediaHub, it was recently renamed
>>> on android OneMediaHub is now a specialized funambol version
>>> the free version was renamed to FunV10
>> ok here is the url for funambol blackberry releases
>> http://d.funambol.com/index.php?all=&dir=./BlackBerrySyncClient/release
>> latest you can use maybe
>> http://d.funambol.com/index.php?all=&dir=./BlackBerrySyncClient/release/10.0.9/funambol
>> then navigate os... you need, sorry i have no idea further by blackberry
>> systems install etc
> yay. I found that already, but I have not the slightest idea how to
> install a single .jad to my b-berry.
> Anyone out here? The jad file is missing the install file. With an
> install file the B-Berry Desktop Manager can install this application.
> Andreas
this is not a blackberry support list, ask i.e  vendor lists


use google
install jad file blackberry
there are tons of support urls

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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