[horde] can't reply mail to Sender

Wallop Supabpote wallop.s at abctech.co.th
Wed Mar 21 05:04:04 UTC 2012


                I’m new for Horde webmail.  But now I have problem about
send mail.

When user send mail to recipient and when recipient reply mail back to

Mail address is wrong ID.

                For information :   User ID  and Mail ID  are different
such as

Name = wallop supabpote

UID = swallop

Mail = wallop.s at xxx.xx

                When user logon to webmail they use UID.    And send mail
to someone  when they reply mail to me Mail id = swallop at xxx.xx   that
wrong one.   And all user didn’t change configure identity name.

                This problem just happened about month.

                I’m check on MySql   but don’t know whick table.  Or  Why
this issue was happened.

                Thank for your help

*Wallop Supabpote *

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