[horde] password with LDAP backend.

Hanns Mattes hanns at hannsmattes.de
Mon Mar 26 10:28:31 UTC 2012


Am 26.03.2012 12:18, schrieb ANANT S ATHAVALE:

> I think, My understanding of the problem is not correct and hence not
> able to give you proper input.  But, the reality is, 'I am unable to
> change password' and I get the error 'Bind failed: Invalid credentials.'

Maybe the shown error is misleading...

>>> $backends['ldapadmin'] = array(
>>>    'disabled' => true,
>>>    'name' => 'LDAP Server with Admin Bindings',
>>>    'preferred' => '',
>>>    'policy' => array(
>>>        'minLength' => 6,
>>>        'minNumeric' => 1,
>>>    ),
>>>    'driver' => 'Ldap',
>>>    'params' => array(
>>>        'host' => 'localhost',
>>>        'port' => 389,
>>>        'basedn' => 'o=example.com',
>>>        'admindn' => 'cn=admin,o=example.com',
>>>        'adminpw' => 'somepassword',
>>> [...]

With this configuration you'll bind as administrator to the Directory.
So at this point - if admindn and adminpw are correct - that shouldn't
cause an error.

But - afaics - you need to tell passwd how to build the userdn, there is
a related remark in backends.php

Please have a look at this thread:



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