[horde] scheduled date for new version?

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at horde.org
Fri Apr 6 13:41:00 UTC 2012

Zitat von LALOT Dominique <dom.lalot at gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I remembered, one year ago, that you planned to launch a new version once a
> year. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Every half year. See  

Though you should not attach this too much to a version number. April  
2011 was Horde 4.0. October 2011 did not qualify for something we  
would have liked to call 4.1. We were more focussed on getting  
additional applications we had in Horde 3 ported to Horde 4. So we  
released those rather than working on the core packages and there was  
no need to bump the version number.

We originally planned releasing Horde 4.1 this April and a while back  
we decided that we will break backward compatibility and call it Horde  
5.0 instead.

As we stick to "sematic versioning" (http://semver.org/) the version  
numbers have an actual meaning ;) and signify what is going on in the  
code. So we won't update it every half year if there is no need to do  

But we release something larger every half year.

> Is there something new to come next?

If you want details on what is currently in the pipe:  

Don't expect us to deliver the stable releases in April though. The  
releasing will start at the end of this month and we will see to which  
extend we can stick to the weekly release cycle we had the last two  
half-year terms. We were somewhat overbooked with new features for  
this cycle :)



> Thanks
> Dom
> --
> Dominique LALOT
> Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux
> http://annuaire.univmed.fr/showuser.php?uid=lalot
> --
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