[horde] Update Identiity

Cristóbal Sabroe Yde cris at uti.unrc.edu.ar
Tue Apr 17 11:41:49 UTC 2012

El 16/04/12 10:20, Jan Schneider escribió:
> Zitat von Paul Ronald <jhon.higgins at gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> my organization has changed the domain name, and i need update the
>> identities of my users from @olddonain.com to @newdoamin.com.
>> There is any hook from this problem? or another solution?
> No, you need to script this, because the identities are serialized PHP 
> arrays stored in the preference backend.
Hi, I've been through a similar situation when using Groupware Edition 
1.2.8. This is what I did:

1. Identify EVERY user in you "old" domain,
2. for each user in the list:

       delete from horde_prefs where pref_uid = 'USER at NEW_DOMAIN';
       update horde_prefs set pref_uid = 'USER at NEW_DOMAIN' where 
pref_uid = 'USER at OLD_DOMAIN';
       update turba_objects set owner_id='USER at NEW_DOMAIN' where 
owner_id= 'USER at OLD_DOMAIN';
       update turba_shares set share_owner='USER at NEW_DOMAIN' where 
share_owner= 'USER at OLD_DOMAIN';
       update nag_tasks set task_owner='USER at NEW_DOMAIN' where 
task_owner= 'USER at OLD_DOMAIN';
       update mnemo_memos set memo_owner='USER at NEW_DOMAIN' where 
memo_owner= 'USER at OLD_DOMAIN';
       update kronolith_events set event_creator_id='USER at NEW_DOMAIN' 
where event_creator_id='USER at OLD_DOMAIN';
       update ingo_rules set rule_owner='USER at NEW_DOMAIN' where 
rule_owner='USER at OLD_DOMAIN';
       update ingo_forwards set forward_owner='USER at NEW_DOMAIN' where 
forward_owner='USER at OLD_DOMAIN';
       update ingo_lists set list_owner='USER at NEW_DOMAIN' where 
list_owner='USER at OLD_DOMAIN';
       update ingo_spam set spam_owner='USER at NEW_DOMAIN' where 
spam_owner='USER at OLD_DOMAIN';
       update ingo_vacations set vacation_owner='USER at NEW_DOMAIN' where 
vacation_owner='USER at OLD_DOMAIN';
       update horde_alarms set alarm_uid='USER at NEW_DOMAIN' where 
alarm_uid='USER at OLD_DOMAIN';

---> NOTE: Again, this was with HGW 1.2.8, you should check which tables 
to update now.

3. Check:

       select * from turba_shares where share_owner = 'USERxxx at NEW_DOMAIN';

As Jan said, you should make a script with something like this.

Don't forget about server auth definitions!

Hope it helps.

Logo UTI *.Cris.

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