[horde] Best OS base for H4

geoffroy desvernay dgeo at centrale-marseille.fr
Wed May 9 08:57:38 UTC 2012

On 08.05.2012 11:27, Andreas Mauser wrote:
> Hi all,
> after many problems with Debian 6 I moved completely to a CentOS 6
> system and most of my errors has been solved by itself.
> The Grandchild error is gine, also problems with Memcached. I verified
> that and installed a plain Debian 6 as secondary system and plaiin
> installed H4 on it - same errors on the new Debian 6 system.
> So if you going to install Horde 4 I can suggest not to use a Debian
> operating system.
> Use a rpm based platform instead.
> Hope that selps someone.
> Regards and have a good day,
> Andreas
Here using FreeBSD and horde from ports (pear install integrated in
ports system) or manually without problems since many years (for
horde3), and now for horde4.

My 2cts ;)
*geoffroy desvernay*
C.R.I - Administration systèmes et réseaux
Ecole Centrale de Marseille

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