[horde] Horde 5 Alpha test .... HORDE: User is not authorized for imp

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Jul 10 15:34:10 UTC 2012

Zitat von Simon Brereton <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:

> On 10 July 2012 10:52, Götz Reinicke <goetz.reinicke at filmakademie.de> wrote:
>> Am 10.07.12 16:36, schrieb Brent:
>>> Quoting Götz Reinicke <goetz.reinicke at filmakademie.de>:
>>>> Am 10.07.12 16:19, schrieb Brent:
>>>>> Quoting Götz Reinicke <goetz.reinicke at filmakademie.de>:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I managed to setup a quick and dirty installation of H5 putting all
>>>>>> information I found so far together.
>>>>>> I can log in to H5, but do get an error when try to use imp:
>>>>>> User is not authorized for imp
>>>>>> 1. Horde_Registry::appInit() /var/www/html/horde5/imp/index.php:18
>>>>>> What might I have missed / not yet migrated.
>>>>>> I upgraded a test installation of H4.
>>>>>>     Thanks for any suggestions . Götz
>>>>> imp/config/backends.local.php  would be my guess.
>>>> I'v copied that file, so it was there
>>>>> In the horde config authetication tab, did you choose to have a Horde
>>>>> Application do the authentication?  Did you set it to imp?
>>>> No, it was set to automatic.
>>>> I changed to [driver] Let a Horde app handle... and imp.
>>>> Now I can login, but the  mail page is still white and just a
>>>> 'Loading...' in the top left corner.
>>>> -> http://mytestserver/imp/dynamic.php?page=mailbox
>>>>     Thx so far and some more suggestions? :)
>>>>     Regards /Götz
>>> Is the backends.local.php setup for your installation of email?  For
>>> example, if you're using a local imap server, is that the first/only
>>> entry in backends.local.php?  Check the various logs (/var/log/maillog,
>>> /tmp/horde.log, etc) for the issue.  A white screen is typically a 500
>>> error.  If you use the test.php page, there is an imp test that you can
>>> use to verify the configuration.
>> Hi the backends.local.php is that I use on a H4 test system, which runs
>> fine. But I double checked.
>> I checked the test page on the H5 installation:
>> Attempting to login to the server: SUCCESS
>> From the apache log @ my H5 system:
>> File does not exist: /var/www/html/horde5/js/prototype.js
>> ....
>> File does not exist: /var/www/html/horde5/js/growler.js
>>         What about that? :) /Götz
> Hi
> I have a similar issue (or at least a similar outcome).
> Finally, I have my H5 install up and running - but now I've locked
> myself out.  There are only a few new configuration
> options/differences with H4, but I'm not sure where the issue is.  One
> of the issues that confuses me slightly is the new IMAP Server tab in
> the Horde5 configuration.  What purpose does it server and how does it
> interact/override the IMP backends.(local.)php?

Cited *directly* from this tab:

     If you intend to store user data like shares and groupware data on an IMAP
     server then you will need to ensure that the following fields  
correspond to
     your IMAP server setup. The IMAP groupware storage will use version 2 of
     the Kolab XML format. See http://wiki.kolab.org/Kolab_Format_Intro for

I have no idea how to make this clearer. If you do, please let us know.

> On my H4 install, I have Authentication to be performed by the IMAP server
>  41 $conf['auth']['params']['port'] = 143;
>  42 $conf['auth']['params']['secure'] = 'false';
> On the H5 install, I have Authentication to be performed by the IMAP server
>  41 $conf['auth']['params']['port'] = 993;
>  42 $conf['auth']['params']['secure'] = 'tls';
> I'm not able to login.  And the imap log reports not auth attempt from
> the connection.

993 is imaps, not imap with tls.

> If I revert to 143, false login/authentication appears to succeed
> because the url changes to
> https://horde-beta.example.net/services/portal/index.php but I get a
> whitescreen and I get these in the Apache log
> ==> /var/log/apache2/logs/horde-beta-error_log <==
> [Tue Jul 10 14:56:01 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal
> error:  Class 'DB' not found in
> /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/php/Horde/Core/Factory/DbPear.php on line
> 73, referer: https://horde-beta.example.net/login.php

You didn't install Horde properly. You have missing dependencies. No  
idea how you got so far.

> ==> /var/log/apache2/logs/horde-beta-access_log <==
> - - [10/Jul/2012:14:56:00 +0000] "GET
> /services/portal/index.php HTTP/1.1" 500 474
> I'm clearly logged in because I'm able to reach the config console by
> gong to the URL manually.
> Simon
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Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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