[horde] Horde5 Whitescreen

Simon Brereton simon.buongiorno at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 20:57:56 UTC 2012

On 10 July 2012 16:02, Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
> Zitat von Simon Brereton <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:
>>>> If I revert to 143, false login/authentication appears to succeed
>>>> because the url changes to
>>>> https://horde-beta.example.net/services/portal/index.php but I get a
>>>> whitescreen and I get these in the Apache log
>>>> ==> /var/log/apache2/logs/horde-beta-error_log <==
>>>> [Tue Jul 10 14:56:01 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal
>>>> error:  Class 'DB' not found in
>>>> /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/php/Horde/Core/Factory/DbPear.php on line
>>>> 73, referer: https://horde-beta.example.net/login.php
>>> You didn't install Horde properly. You have missing dependencies. No idea
>>> how you got so far.
>> Here's what I have in the Configuration page:
>> Application
>> Database                        Status
>> Address Book Address Book (turba) 4.0.0alpha1                   DB schema
>> is
>> ready.          Application is ready.
>> Horde Horde (horde) 5.0.0alpha1
>> Application is ready.
>> Mail Mail (imp) 6.0.0alpha1
>> DB schema is ready.             Application is ready.
>> Horde_Activesync
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_Alarm
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_Auth
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_Cache
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_Core
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_Group
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_History
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_Lock
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_Perms
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_Prefs
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_Sessionhandler
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_Syncml
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_Token
>> DB schema is ready.
>> Horde_Vfs
>> DB schema is ready.
> That's not your package list.

You're right, but I forgot about the pear list command (and we went
over this often enough when you released H4).

mail:/usr/share/horde-beta# /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c
/usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf list -a  | less -R
Horde_ActiveSync          2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Alarm               2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Argv                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Auth                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Autoloader          2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Browser             2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Cache               2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Cli                 2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Compress            2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Constraint          2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Controller          2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Core                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Crypt               2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Data                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Date                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
***Horde_Db                  2.0.0alpha1 alpha ***
Horde_Editor              2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Exception           2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Form                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Group               2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_History             2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Http                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Icalendar           2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Image               2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Imap_Client         2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Injector            2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Itip                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_ListHeaders         1.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Lock                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Log                 2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_LoginTasks          2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Mail                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Mime                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Mime_Viewer         2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Nls                 2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Notification        2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Perms               2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Prefs               2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Role                1.0.0       stable
Horde_Rpc                 2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Secret              2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Serialize           2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_SessionHandler      2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Share               2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_SpellChecker        2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Stream_Filter       2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Stream_Wrapper      2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Support             2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_SyncMl              2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Template            2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Text_Diff           2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Text_Filter         2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Text_Filter_Csstidy 2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Text_Flowed         2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Token               2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Translation         2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Tree                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Url                 2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Util                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Vfs                 2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_View                2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Xml_Element         2.0.0alpha1 alpha
Horde_Xml_Wbxml           2.0.0alpha1 alpha
horde                     5.0.0alpha1 alpha
imp                       6.0.0alpha1 alpha
turba                     4.0.0alpha1 alpha

>> Which dependencies am I missing?
> The DB package from PEAR.

Funny that..

mail:/usr/share/horde-beta# /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c
/usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf install horde/Horde_Db
horde/Horde_Db is already installed and is the same as the released
version 2.0.0alpha1
install failed

>> For the record, I did the following...
>> mkdir /usr/share/horde-beta
>> pear config-create /usr/share/horde-beta /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf
>> pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf install pear
>> Install Horde5
>> /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf
>> channel-discover pear.horde.org
>> /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf
>> install horde/horde_role
>> /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf
>> run-scripts horde/horde_role
>> /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf -d
>> preferred_state=alpha install horde/horde
>> /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf -d
>> preferred_state=alpha install horde/imp
>> /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf -d
>> preferred_state=alpha install horde/turba
>> cp config/conf.php.dist config/conf.php
>> PHP
>> vim /usr/share/horde-beta/.htaccess
>> Add
>> php_value include_path /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/php
>> SetEnv PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR /usr/share/horde-beta
>> /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pecl -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf
>> install fileinfo xdiff geoip ssh2 sasl idn imagick lzf memcache
>> Restart Apache
>> MYSQL - create a separate DB for testing.
>> mysql -u root -p -e "create database hordebeta DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
>> utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin; grant all privileges on hordebeta.* to
>> 'horde'@'localhost'; flush privileges;"
>> mysqldump -u root -p horde > horde4.sql
>> mysql -u root -p hordebeta < horde4.sql
>> As far as I can tell with both Horde4 and it looks the same with
>> Horde5 you have to use the --alldeps argument or run into this
>> problem.  In Horde4 I solved it with a very long list of trial and
>> error to get all the packages I wanted/needed.  It would be nice if
>> real dependencies like horde/Horde_Db were downloaded automatically.
>> However, --alldeps will also download Horde_Kolab_Session,
>> horde/Horde_Ldap, horde/Horde_Imsp and a bunch of things I don't need.
> So, because you happen to use a feature (probably either DataTree which is
> deprecated, or the METAR block) that still requires DB, you want that to be
> a mandatory dependency. But you don't want any other optional dependency
> that somebody else might use? Do you see the flaw?

I do see your point.  In fact, my point is the same - And I didn't say
I wanted a mandatory dependency.  I consciously opted not to install
or use the DataTree this time because of the warnings on the list
about it being depreciated.  It's not like this is a full install -
it's IMP and Turba only.

> [several lines of ranting deleted]

That wasn't a rant, and neither is this. Given your eloquently
expressed point above, I just think it would be nice for
non-developers to be able to figure out what packages/features cause
and fulfil which dependencies.  For example, I have no interest in
LDAP.  I know that, because it's my system.  Therefore, I don't
install it and I certainly don't want installed because I have not
enough information to install the packages I do want and have to run
--alldeps.  I'm simply saying it would be nice to have a list that
says if you want this feature you'll need this package.  I would
create this documentation for the project myself, but since I don't
know what package installs which feature, I'm sure you see the flaw.


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