[horde] Email Sync in H5

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Jul 12 19:47:56 UTC 2012

Zitat von Simon Brereton <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:

> On 11 July 2012 19:02, Brent <impuser at bitrealm.com> wrote:
>> Quoting Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>>> Quoting Simon Brereton <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Michael earlier asserted that email sync was working.  As far as I can
>>>> tell it doesn't seem to be working for me - there's nothing listed in
>>>> the device list although the set-up on my Android device worked okay
>>>> (i.e. Authentication went well).  However, no messages appear and the
>>>> account seems to be constantly trying to sync and the battery life is
>>>> now shocking (not to mention it's very hot).
>>>> How can I debug this?
>>> You should enable DEBUG level logging to start with.
>>>> I looked in the log and I see this:
>>>> 2012-07-11T17:19:37+00:00 NOTICE: HORDE-BETA [horde] PHP ERROR: Trying
>>>> to get property of non-object [pid 8604 on line 962 of
>>>> "/usr/share/horde-beta/pear/php/Horde/ActiveSync/State/Sql.php"]
>>> Not sure how you could not have the deviceInfo loaded.  If you provide a
>>> sync log it would be more helpful. See the ActiveSync configuration tab and
>>> select "Custom" device logging.
>>>> 2012-07-11T17:19:37+00:00 NOTICE: HORDE-BETA [horde] PHP ERROR:
>>>> Undefined variable: devId [pid 8604 on line 1017 of
>>>> "/usr/share/horde-beta/pear/php/Horde/ActiveSync/State/Sql.php"]
>>>> 2012-07-11T17:19:37+00:00 NOTICE: HORDE-BETA [horde] PHP ERROR:
>>>> Undefined variable: devId [pid 8604 on line 1019 of
>>>> "/usr/share/horde-beta/pear/php/Horde/ActiveSync/State/Sql.php"]
>>> Fixed in git, though not the cause of your errors.
>> Odd.  I couldn't get an iPhone to sync against the latest alpha, but
>> yesterday my iPhone went crazy and was hot...burning through the battery
>> in about 5 hours.  I rebooted the phone and turned off Push, seems fine
>> now.  Weird.
>> I'll play with ActiveSync on alpha this weekend.  It should work, but
>> I can't get past authentication when I try it.  Oddly, I have two httpd
>> logs for the released horde and the alpha, but when I try to connect to
>> the alpha version, I see logs in my production horde http files.  Still
>> fails, which I think is strange.
> Well, I think I've found my problem, but I have no idea how to solve it.
> My vhost has this line for the production vhost:
>  36         Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /usr/share/horde4/rpc.php
> and this one for the beta (which has a separate pear install)
>  70         Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /usr/share/horde-beta/rpc.php
> Hitting the https://production.example.net/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
> link in the (working) production vhost gives me this familiar error:
> Trying to access the ActiveSync endpoint from a browser. Not Supported.
> Hitting the https://hordebeta.example.net/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
> link in the non-working beta vhost gives me this very unfamiliar
> error:
> A fatal error has occurred
> /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/php/Horde/ActiveSync/../../../locale is not
> a directory
> Details have been logged for the administrator.
> The horde.log has this to say:
> 2012-07-12T18:48:23+00:00 EMERG: HORDE-BETA [horde] Class
> Horde_Routes_Mapper does not exist [pid 11077 on line 51 of
> "/usr/share/horde-beta/pear/php/Horde/Injector/DependencyFinder.php"]
> /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/php/Horde/ActiveSync/../../../../locale/
> (note the extra /..) does exist.
> Is this my fault?  A bug?  Would a symlink fix the issue?

Neither is correct, unless you changed your PEAR configuration. The  
locales should be found in  

No idea why only you are seeing this, but that's from a broken  
package.xml in ActiveSync. Going to fix that in a minute.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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