[horde] Mail headers do not load

Stephen Hanselman s.hanselman at kc4sw.com
Fri Aug 10 00:20:30 UTC 2012


On IMP open the framework loads, side bar loads, "inbox" shows proper number of new/old messages. Message summaries do not load and a "wait please" icon appears. Also the INBOX header does not load. No menu items load to allow return to Horde main page.

Fedora 15 current
  With Dovecot, Postfix(both operational) MySQL for authentication
Horde Groupware Webmail 4.0.8

This was a fresh install in a clean directory but using the database set from H3 ( assumption, webmail-install changed database as required) Horde was installed via the Pear method, no errors. 

Login seems to load properly

Test.php works properly, IMAP test works properly. 

No errors in horde.log or web server logs. 

Could I have a database error? Or did I (likely) mess something up


Stephen L Hanselman
Datagate Systems, LLC
(775) 882-5117 (office)
(775) 720-6020 (cell)
s.hanselman at datagatesystems.com
Cage: 5T6H3
A Service Disabled, Veteran Owned Small Business

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