[horde] horde Digest, Vol 3400, Issue 1
L. D. James
ljames at apollo3.com
Thu Aug 16 13:08:46 UTC 2012
On 08/16/2012 08:00 AM, horde-request at lists.horde.org wrote:
> Message: 3 Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:23:01 +0200 From: Jan Schneider
> <jan at horde.org> To: horde at lists.horde.org Subject: Re: [horde] How to
> add imp to the available available horde menu items Message-ID:
> <20120816102301.Horde.PxJhaxPcj3hQLK3lPijEGKA at neo.wg.de> Content-Type:
> text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed; DelSp=Yes Zitat von "L.
> D. James" <ljames at apollo3.com>:
>> I just installed horde on a Ubuntu version 12.04 machine. I used
>> the default (apt-get) repository for the install. This is horde3
>> and imp4.
>> The install went well. I brought up the page's url setup horde and
>> imp's defaults and a imap authentication. In the imp setup
>> configuration page I see horde as a default menu option. However, I
>> don't see that option available (for imp) in the horde configuration
>> page. So I don't see any option. So it's not clear how to activate
>> this option for horde once a user logs in.
>> Thanks in advance for anyone who will shed some light on this.
> The application list for the menu configuration is only populated with
> installed and configured applications. You need to finish IMP's
> configuration, before you can add it to Horde's.
Thanks, Jan. It's really incredible. I spend 6 months with this
problem. Of course I gave up every few days and revisited it again
trying to figure out the solution. I did lots of ready over the
months. I have tons of book marks of which I followed all the
suggestions step by step. The problem is mentioned a number of times,
but none of the suggestions in the forms work.
Most of the people, once they have a solution, they'll just way it
solved, but don't post any details about how they resolved it.
I really appreciate your taking the time to quickly offer assistance.
However, that's not the answer that resolves the issue.
The answer is very simple. Hopefully my description here will help some
other poor soul that is pledged with this problem. Also, will someone
post a followup to this message and tell me where this fix is listed in
any documentation. There are lots of references to the
"/usr/share/horde3/lib/Horde/Registry.php" file. The references I find
seems the suggest that, that file is supposed to be edited to fix the
problem. I even tried to figure out where to edited the file and made
changes, then put it back to it's original.
It turns out the solution is to edit the
"/etc/horde/horde3/registry.php" file. Of course the exact location of
your registry.php file may depend on your distro. But the file to fix
the problem is "registry.php" not "Registry.php".
Of course all the details for using the registry.php file is actually in
the file. But I didn't know out of the hundred's of php files that I
had to read that particular one in such details. I had already spend
hours on many of the other php files before I got to that one. Of
course I also spent many countless hours in the actually Administration
control panel where you just suggested that I look. I don't believe the
control is there. If it is, I can't believe I missed it ll these months.
The solution is simple. Just change "inactive" to "active" in the
registry.php file and you're in business.
I read lots of references of how hard and complicated horde is. However,
I find it very easy if you know this particular part. When I first
started out 6 months ago I made it to the same place I got stuck at in
less than 20 minutes. If this little tidbit had been included in docs
where I could have easily found it, I would have been up and running in
20 minutes rather than the months I spent studying horde.
Thanks again for anyone who will point to that item in any of the FAQ's
or setup steps.
-- L. James
L. D. James
ljames at apollo3.com
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