[horde] Horde 5 beta and Kronolith, Turba, ... after upgrade?

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Aug 27 16:00:34 UTC 2012

Quoting Samuel Wolf <samuelwolf85 at googlemail.com>:

> 2012/8/27 Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Am 27.08.2012 15:45, schrieb Samuel Wolf:
>>> Hi,
>>> if I upgrade now to Horde 5 / IMP 6 Beta, there is no way to use
>>> Kronolith, Turba, Ansel,... after the upgrade, right?
>>> Samuel
>> Right. Not yet. You can however use the git/develop versions of
>> modules as far as they are working. Note that there is a reason why we
>> have no alpha release of ansel H5 yet.
> That really bad news, we import some month ago ~ 15000 pictures in ansel.
> We need EMail support in ActiveSync, but there is no way to upgrade
> without ansel support.

Ansel is "mostly" working. There are currently issues with the widgets  
and geolocation features due to changes in some core Horde libraries.  
It's currently low on our priority list due to the amount of work  
still needed on the main groupware apps. You could consider sponsoring  
the work if it is of high priority to you.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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