[horde] some accounts were taking too long to login

brito at linuxsolutions.com.br brito at linuxsolutions.com.br
Tue Sep 11 14:44:37 UTC 2012

I have installed the horde 4 and it works fine, exept for the fact that 
i could not migrate my agenda. This feature its very used in my company.

Do you have some idea about how i can improve the performance on horde 
3 or the definitely solution is to install horde 4 ?

Em 2012-09-11 10:24, Vilius Šumskas escreveu:
>> Dear Friends,
>> I'm using Horde 3.1.7 and some accounts were taking too long to 
>> login
>> (over 2 minutes). With that I decided to buy a new server and 
>> migrate to
>> the new server Horde imagining that the problem would be solved, but 
>> to
>> my surprise the continued very slow. I ask your help to solve this
>> problem.
> At first you need to update to the newest H3 release or better yet, 
> to H4.
> --
>    Vilius

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