[horde] Error messages in logs

Nicolas Fo nicolasfo at ymail.com
Thu Sep 20 13:37:19 UTC 2012

Le 20/09/2012 14:31, Nicolas Fo a écrit :
> Hello,
> I've those lines in Horde logs I can't resolve :
> 2012-09-20T14:17:59+02:00 ERR: HORDE [horde] User is not authorized 
> for imp [pid 18755 on line 1305 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry.php"]
> 2012-09-20T14:17:59+02:00 ERR: HORDE [horde] User is not authorized 
> for gollem [pid 18755 on line 1305 of 
> "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry.php"]
> 2012-09-20T14:19:03+02:00 ERR: HORDE You must configure a Horde_Image 
> driver to use Ansel [pid 18757 on line 46 of 
> "/var/www/horde/ansel/lib/Application.php"]
> I've those errors when I'm using Administrator user (when all users 
> are redirected to Administrator). it's the same problem using another 
> user using htaccess authentication.
> Horde_image driver : Google doesn't what it is, and i don't know where 
> it must be configured in the admin panel..
> Any idea ?
> Thnks a lot
> Nicolas
I've just had a magic idea : check Apache logs, and this is the error :

" PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Horde_Ldap' not found in 
/usr/share/php/Horde/Core/Factory/Ldap.php on line 76, referer: 
http://IP_OF_HORDE_SERVER/login.php "

On the test.php page, under "PHP Module Capabilities, LDAP Support is 
turned to "YES"

What I didn't yet installed/configured is :

- PHP Module Capabilities
     - internationalization support
     - LZF compression
     - Memcached support
     - PAM support
     - PosgreSQL support

- Miscellaneous PHP Settings
     - session.gc_divisor value: 1000 -> PHP automatically garbage 
collects old session information, as long as this setting (and 
session.gc_probability) are set to non-zero. It is recommended that this 
value be "10000" or higher
     - session.gc_probability value: 0 -> PHP automatically garbage 
collects old session information, as long as this setting (and 
session.gc_divisor) are set to non-zero. It is recommended that this 
value be "1".

- Local file permission :
Is /var/www/horde/lib/../static writable by the web server user? *No*
If caching javascript and CSS files by storing them in static files 
(HIGHLY RECOMMENDED), this directory must be writable as the user the 
web server runs as.
_Got a problem on this, I don't know wich folderI must chmod, I don't 
find it in the arborescence of my file system, and I don't have the 
entire path mentionned._

Are those things may be a problem with my LDAP authentication ?


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