[horde] Ingo files names

Nicolas Fo nicolasfo at ymail.com
Thu Oct 11 09:36:59 UTC 2012

Hello every one !

I've just test Ingo to manage Sieve rules.

Everything is OK, Ingo create a file named "ingo.sieve" in the users folder.

However, we have the old webmail (Roundcube) installed and which use the 
same mailserver  and the same Sieve server. The two systems will cohabit 
during a period.

When I create a rule whit Horde, Roundcube see this rule, but when I 
create a rule with Roundcube, horde doesn't "see" it.

Horde (Ingo) create a file named "ingo.sieve" and Roundcube create a 
file named "managesieve.sieve"

The question is, Horde is most strict than Roundcube, Horde must be 
configured :

How to :
- Let Horde read "managesieve.sieve"
- Tell to Horde to use "managesieve.sieve" and not "ingo.sieve" ?

Thanks you


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