[horde] wicked uploads not working for large files

Arjen de Korte arjen+horde at de-korte.org
Tue Oct 23 09:48:04 UTC 2012

Citeren Uttiya Chowdhury <chowdhury_uttiya at yahoo.com>:

> Thanks Vilius. Got the log. It says:
> 2012-10-23T17:28:19+08:00 ERR: HORDE [wicked] QUERY FAILED: Got a  
> packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
> INSERT INTO horde_vfs (vfs_type, vfs_path, vfs_name, vfs_modified,  
> vfs_owner, vfs_data) VALUES (1, '.horde/wicked/attachments/66',  
> 'Entegris_gas_purifiers.pdf;1', 1350984498, '', '%PDF-1.4
> Does that say anything?

Two things:

1) You've configured SQL for your Virtual File Storage
2) You're SQL server is telling you that you're attempting to store  
more than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes

You need to configure your SQL server to allow bigger packets.

Best regards, Arjen

> Thanks.
> UC
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