[horde] pear question ssh2 and Horde_Vfs

Samuel Wolf samuelwolf85 at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 18 09:48:59 UTC 2012


it is not really a horde question, but maybe someone have a idea whats
going wrong here:

root at wds:~# pear upgrade-all
Will upgrade channel://pecl.php.net/ssh2
downloading ssh2-0.12.tgz ...
Starting to download ssh2-0.12.tgz (26,223 bytes)
.........done: 26,223 bytes
ERROR: pecl.php.net/ssh2 not installed

root at wds:~# pear uninstall ssh2
pecl/ssh2 (version >= 0.10) can be optionally used by installed
package "horde/Horde_Vfs"
pecl.php.net/ssh2 not installed
root at wds:~#


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