[horde] sent mails are not saved in sent-mail

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Nov 28 21:38:51 UTC 2012

Quoting Arjen de Korte <arjen+horde at de-korte.org>:

> Citeren Norbert Schlia <nschlia at oblivion-software.de>:
>> Jens Grüntjes <jens.gruentjes <at> ebira.de> writes:
>>>> Have you tried using 'capability_ignore' in
>>>> imp/config/backends.local.php to make IMP ignore the (broken) BINARY
>>>> capability from Cyrus? AFAIK this is exactly the type of use for
>>>> this parameter.
>>>> Best regards, Arjen
>>> Do you think that Michael's patches are needed anyway if one can
>>> circumvent the cyrus-bug like this? It sounds like the patches are
>>> workarounds about which Michael is not very happy.
>> I just tried that one:
>> /imp/config/backends.local.php:
>> $servers['advanced']['capability_ignore'] = array
>> (
>>   'BINARY'
>> );
>> Now the error message about the mail not being saved when sending the first
>> one after login is not shown, and it is also saved to sent.
>> I have no older installation of horde at hand (that still has the bug), so I
>> can't check if this fixes the problem without the workarounds.
>> It seems that the only implication is using more bandwidth which is, in my
>> case, of no concern as the mail server and horde run on the same machine and
>> basically talk to each other via localhost.
> You're basically back to the H4 situation, which didn't use this  
> capability (which is also the reason why this suddenly breaks upon  
> upgrading from H4 to H5). If bandwidth wasn't a problem in H4, it  
> unlikely will be in H5 if you disable this capability. The version  
> of Dovecot I'm using doesn't even have this (newer versions have)  
> and it still works fine.

BINARY is not necessary, but it makes a few things faster/easier  
(there is 1 place where you absolutely can't do something without  
BINARY, but IMP should not trigger this case).

>> I'll have an eye on it if there's another prolem now, but it seems  
>> to me that
>> that one os fixed.
> Just remember to remove this from imp/config/backends.local.php when  
> Cyrus is fixed. This is also the fly in the ointment for this  
> solution. Administrators will need to manually enable and disable  
> the override of the capabilities and I expect that unless there is  
> also a workaround for this bug in Horde_Imap_Client, there will be  
> lots of people complaining about this. Many people don't care about  
> reading the UPGRADING documents...

This is why disabling capabilities is a bad idea.  You should be able  
to swap IMAP servers and IMP will just work.  By disabling a  
capability you've now created another dissociated step in upgrading -  
meaning it is likely that this will not be changed in the future.

Of course I also feel that relying on a packaged IMAP server provided  
with a distribution is A Bad Idea, but that's getting off-topic.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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