[horde] Need advice on purging C-Panel mailbox

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Dec 3 07:15:52 UTC 2012

Quoting David Blomstrom <david.blomstrom at gmail.com>:

> So here's my first question: Is there a way to select every e-mail in my
> mailbox that matches a certain feature (e.g. the words "Credit Check" in
> the subject line) and 1) make all those messages simply vanish, and at the
> same time 2) zap future e-mails with a similar subject line?

1) You can perform a search, select All (can be done in IMP dynamic  
view), and delete.
2) You need to setup a mail filter.  This is done via ingo, for  
example, not IMP.

> Finally, is there a way to forward e-mail to my GMail address? In fact, it
> would be nice to know a trick that would forward e-mails addressed to
> various forms of a website's name (e.g. webmaster at MySite.com,
> Info at MySite.com, etc.), if that's possible.

This needs to be done at the MTA level (IMP is a MUA).

This can possibly be done with your personal e-mail address (e.g.  
ingo) if your filter backend supports it, but to redirect mail for  
other users you need to alter your MTA's mailbox routing config.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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