[horde] Bug in horde_imap_client-2.4.0?

Lukas Gradl horde at ssn.at
Thu Dec 20 09:56:54 UTC 2012

Am 2012-12-20 04:46, schrieb Michael M Slusarz:
> Quoting Jens Grüntjes <jens.gruentjes at ebira.de>:
>> Zitat von Lukas Gradl <horde at ssn.at>:
>>> After updating horde_imap_client to 2.4.0 Attachments are no longer
>>> shown in imp. Mails look like they don't have any file attached.
>>> After downgrading to 2.3.2 Attachments are shown again.
>>> Unfortunatly bugs.horde.org is not reachable at the moment, so I
>>> can't check the bugtracker nor create a new entry.
>>> regards
>>> Lukas
>> I experience the same problems. To make it more precise: If I attach a
>> file in IMP, the mail looks as if the file was attached (Added
>> "blabla.pdf" as an attachment.). An external recipient of the mail
>> sees the attachment and can as well open it. An internal recipient,
>> i.e. an IMP-user, cannot see the attachment but the mail size
>> indicates that there must be an attachment.
>> Before the upgrade to Horde_Imap_Client-2.4.0 there was a hint in the
>> sent-mail-folder "Attachment stripped: Original attachment type:"
>> which no longer showed up after the upgrade. This hint is no longer in
>> the mail.
> Can't reproduce.  All unit tests pass.  I can verify that viewing the
> MIME torture test shows all 40+ parts.  You will, at a minimum, need to
> open a bugs ticket and post an IMAP log.

Did'nt have time to create the bug-tracker entry and the logs so far, 
will be done next week.


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