[horde] Webmail Notifier

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Tue Jan 22 16:30:28 UTC 2013

> To Ralf:
> We have a Dedicated virtual server with Media Temple with open access to
> the Root directories, so I think it can be done; however, I am not a
> programmer and I could not make head/tails from the .php documentation.
> To Vilius:
> The leaders of the group do not want users to reply from their personal e-
> mail accounts, even though for the tech savvy it is easy to switch "From" e-
> mails.   So a notification e-mail will let them know it is time to check the
> webmail.

Outlook can have 2 or more accounts running simultaniously. From: address automatically changes when you switch accounts.


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