[horde] Ungültige Serveradresse oder nicht unterstützte Protokollversion

Andreas Mauser andreas at mauser.info
Tue Feb 26 20:26:11 UTC 2013

Hi List,

can you please help me with the following?

Having Samsung S3 Mini, using the Exchange connector to sync with  
Horde, it worked some days ago, but now it stoppen with this error  

Eine ungültige Serveradresse wurde eingegeben oder Server benötigt  
eine Protokollversion, die nicht über E-Mail unterstützt wird.

I did not change anything, just always upgraded via pear.
Same problem appearing with iPhone5. Last Mails from 22.2.2013, no  
more coming in.

I reset the phone in Horde already, wanted to start from scratch, but  
this also didnt solve the problem.

I also changed servername to server IP in the Smartphone, same error  
message comes up.

Any idea how to fix since nothing appears in the syslog?

Thank yoou,
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