[horde] Gollem 3.0 behavior

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Sat Mar 2 18:32:14 UTC 2013


When using Gollem under h3, you can compose a message in imp, then  
click on the folder next to Attachements, which launches Gollem, so  
then you can attach a file that's not necessarily on the local maching  
that you're using, in my case, on an ftp server that I have access to.  
  Under h5, I can't find this feature, and want to know if it's no  
longer supported, or I missed a setting somewhere?

All of my H5 components are up to date as of March 2.

I did look at bugs, but none of them seemed to indicate anything like  
this being reported.

Thank you,

John H. Bennett III

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