[horde] MYSQL 1040 Too Many Connections.

Simon Brereton simon.buongiorno at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 08:16:55 UTC 2013

On 4 March 2013 16:14, Arjen de Korte <arjen+horde at de-korte.org> wrote:
> Citeren Simon Brereton <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:
>> On 4 March 2013 13:43, Simon Brereton <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 4 March 2013 13:31, Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de> wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>>>> Do you happen to use persistent connections?
>>>>> Is this a setting in the Horde config?  I don't think I am, but
>>>>> where should I check?
>>>>> Simon
>>>> DB Connection settings in horde admin dialog "horde".
>>> I don't see anything that says I am.  You mean in the Database tab of
>>> the Horde Config, yes?
>>>  23 $conf['sql']['username'] = 'horde';
>>>  24 $conf['sql']['password'] = 'redacted';
>>>  25 $conf['sql']['socket'] = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock';
>>>  26 $conf['sql']['protocol'] = 'unix';
>>>  27 $conf['sql']['database'] = 'horde';
>>>  28 $conf['sql']['charset'] = 'utf-8';
>>>  29 $conf['sql']['ssl'] = false;
>>>  30 $conf['sql']['splitread'] = false;
>>>  31 $conf['sql']['phptype'] = 'mysqli';
>> According to Chuck (whatever happened to Chuck, you never hear from
>> him anymore) way back in 2003,
>> http://lists.horde.org/archives/horde/Week-of-Mon-20030922/021485.html
>> this shouldn't be what my problem is
>> I doubt the parameter referenced in the thread even exists in Horde
>> today ($conf['sql']['persistent'] = true;)
> It does, but only if you select the MySQL / PDO backend in the Database tab
>     $conf['sql']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
> This is not available if (like you) 'mysqli' is used. I would try using
> another backend before anything else.

But if I don't have a backend that offers persistent connections, why
are persistent connections being made and why now?   This server has
been running without an issue for over 2 years.  For now I've solved
this by reducing the value of interactive_timeout and wait_timeout in
the mysql my.cnf - however, this is not optimal (it's another change
to the default which has to be documented and maintained).

This morning, I noticed also that there are way to many apache
proceses as well making ActiveSync inaccessible.  I don't know if this
is related, shares a cause condition or frankly what to do about it.
Restarting the apache server resolved the issue, but I can't be doing
that 2/3 times a day.


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