[horde] iPhone mail app just closing when entering subfolder

Andreas Mauser andreas at mauser.info
Fri Mar 8 22:58:36 UTC 2013

----- Nachricht von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> ---------
      Datum: Fri, 08 Mar 2013 17:35:05 -0500
        Von: Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
Antwort an: mrubinsk at horde.org
    Betreff: Re: [horde] iPhone mail app just closing when entering subfolder
         An: horde at lists.horde.org

> Quoting Mauser Info <andreas at mauser.info>:
>> Hi,
>> since ActiveSync is working again for me I found some funny behaviour of
>> the iPhone5 with IOS 6.1.2.
>> In Horde I have a subfolder named GMX where all GMX mails arrive, placed
>> by a procmail rule.
>> I can browse every mail folder on the iPhone, but when I go to the GMX
>> folder the iPhone Mail App just closing down.
> The iOS Mail app is VERY sensitive. I can't tell you how many times  
> I've crashed it (and the entire system on occasion as well) while  
> developing this code.
> This behavior is usually due to it receiving an email containing  
> invalid UTF-8 data. Looking at the chuck of log you posted my bet  
> would be a charset issue. We currently perform a number of checks to  
> ensure we send valid UTF-8, and if we can't 100% guarantee this is  
> the case, we remove all non 8 bit characters before streaming to the  
> device.
> The best way to figure out exactly what is going on is to figure out  
> which email is causing iOS to choke. You can use the synclog to see  
> exactly which emails were sent to the device in the last response  
> and go from there. Remove each of those emails one by one until the  
> folder starts syncing again. Once you've found the offending email,  
> you can send it to me privately (if you feel comfortable doing so)  
> and I will try and see if it's something that needs to be fixed on  
> Horde's side.

Thank you for your courtesy, I will remember that if it starts  
behaviing like that.

Interesting, I played around and disabled mail sync in the iPhone  
settings, checked in the mail, no more mails there, fine.
So I enabled mail sync again and the mails have been resynced and also  
the GMX folder seems to work.

Very strange behaviour. I'll watch that and report back to you.

Thank you very much,

>> In the logfile for this phone I found that also the mails themself are
>> shown in the log, which may be an unwanted behaviour.
> Nope. It's expected, but only when enabling the synclog. Not all  
> email bodies are shown (some make use of temporary streams for the  
> body - mostly MIME mails - and we don't output the content of the  
> streams to the log).
>> Let me post the last part of the log for you to see:
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>> 2013-03-08T22:18:05+01:00 DEBUG: [22137] O        <POOMMAIL:Body/>
>> 2013-03-08T22:18:05+01:00 DEBUG: [22137] O       <Data/>
>> 2013-03-08T22:18:05+01:00 DEBUG: [22137] O      <Add/>
>> 2013-03-08T22:18:05+01:00 DEBUG: Updating state during change
>> 2013-03-08T22:18:05+01:00 DEBUG: [22137] O     <Commands/>
>> 2013-03-08T22:18:05+01:00 DEBUG: [22137] Saving state: Array
>> (
>>    [0] => {513a5589-8eb4-4fc6-b2b3-56790a001802}2
>>    [1] => Horde_Db_Value_Binary Object
>>        (
>>            [_value:protected] =>
>> C:28:"Horde_ActiveSync_Folder_Imap":339:{a:5:{s:1:"s";a:3:{s:7:"uidnext";s:6:"140987";s:11:"uidvalidity";s:10:"1241215749";s:13:"highestmodseq";s:4:"3882";}s:1:"m";a:12:{i:0;i:140962;i:1;i:140964;i:2;i:140965;i:3;i:140974;i:4;i:140975;i:5;i:140976;i:6;i:140977;i:7;i:140978;i:8;i:140983;i:9;i:140984;i:10;i:140985;i:11;i:140986;}s:1:"f";s:3:"GMX";s:1:"c";s:5:"Email";s:1:"v";i:1;}}
>>        )
>>    [2] => ApplF2LJR3HXDTWF
>>    [3] => 1362777482
>>    [4] => GMX
>>    [5] => uta
>>    [6] => 0
>> )
>> 2013-03-08T22:18:05+01:00 DEBUG: [22137] O    <Folder/>
>> 2013-03-08T22:18:05+01:00 DEBUG: [22137] O   <Folders/>
>> 2013-03-08T22:18:05+01:00 DEBUG: [22137] O  <Synchronize/>
>> 2013-03-08T22:18:05+01:00 DEBUG: Replacing SYNC_CACHE entry for user uta
>> and device ApplF2LJR3HXDTWF:
>> a:12:{s:18:"confirmed_synckeys";a:1:{s:39:"{513a5589-8eb4-4fc6-b2b3-56790a001802}2";b:1;}s:17:"lasthbsyncstarted";b:0;s:17:"lastsyncendnormal";b:0;s:9:"lastuntil";i:1362777482;s:9:"timestamp";s:10:"1362777485";s:4:"wait";b:0;s:10:"hbinterval";b:0;s:7:"folders";a:0:{}s:9:"hierarchy";b:0;s:11:"collections";a:2:{s:5:"INBOX";a:11:{s:5:"class";s:5:"Email";s:10:"windowsize";i:100;s:14:"deletesasmoves";b:1;s:10:"filtertype";s:1:"2";s:10:"truncation";i:0;s:13:"rtftruncation";N;s:11:"mimesupport";s:1:"2";s:14:"mimetruncation";s:1:"1";s:8:"conflict";i:1;s:9:"bodyprefs";N;s:11:"lastsynckey";s:39:"{513a557b-642c-4348-8a7a-567a0a001802}4";}s:3:"GMX";a:12:{s:5:"class";s:5:"Email";s:10:"windowsize";i:100;s:14:"deletesasmoves";b:1;s:10:"filtertype";s:1:"2";s:10:"truncation";i:0;s:13:"rtftruncation";N;s:11:"mimesupport";s:1:"2";s:14:"mimetruncation";N;s:8:"conflict";i:1;s:9:"bodyprefs";N;s:11:"lastsynckey";s:39:"{513a5589-8eb4-4fc6-b2b3-56790a001802}2";s:7:"synckey";s:39:"{513a5589-8eb4-4fc6-b2b3-
>> 5
>> 6790a001802}2";}}s:13:"pingheartbeat";b:0;s:14:"synckeycounter";a:2:{s:5:"INBOX";a:1:{s:39:"{513a557b-642c-4348-8a7a-567a0a001802}3";i:1;}s:3:"GMX";a:1:{s:39:"{513a5589-8eb4-4fc6-b2b3-56790a001802}1";i:1;}}}
>> 2013-03-08T22:18:05+01:00 INFO: [22137] User uta logged off
>> Can anyone explain how to fix this maybe on Horde side, or does anyone
>> have the same problem with the default iPhone mail app?
>> I'm using dovecot as mail server, all over SSL.
>> Thank you,
>> Andreas
> -- 
> mike
> The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
> mrubinsk at horde.org

----- Ende der Nachricht von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> -----

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