[horde] GIT questions..

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Mar 11 16:13:22 UTC 2013

Quoting Simon Brereton <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:

> On 11 March 2013 15:14, Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> wrote:
>> Quoting Simon Brereton <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:
>>> On 8 March 2013 22:31, Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> wrote:
>>>>> So, with fileroot as /usr/share/horde-beta and webroot as /horde, I do
>>>>> indeed get to see all the apps!
>>>> I have no idea how this works for you unless you are using different
>>>> values
>>>> then you said earlier.
>>>>> But I don't have any CSS or any kind, and when I click on an app to
>>>>> update the config, I get a 404.
>>>> Probably because the path is wrong.
>>>>> So I can reach https://webmail.example.net/horde/admin/config/index.php
>>>> No idea how, since the way you described your config
>>>> /usr/share/horde-beta/horde should not exist.
>>>>> but not
>>>>> https://webmail.example.net/horde/admin/config/config.php?app=passwd
>>>>> I'm also not able to reach https://webmail.example.net/imp
>>>> Let's take a step back. Do you want to use
>>>> webmail.example.net/horde/{appnames} or webmail.example.com/{appnames}?
>>>> You
>>>> can't have both. For the former, run install_dev with $web_dir as
>>>> /usr/share/horde-beta/horde. Then use the same path as $app_fileroot and
>>>> $app_webroot = '/horde'.
>>> Mike
>>> Sorry to bring this back up.  I actually do want to use
>>> webmail.example.net/{appnames}, - and that's what I had, but I ran
>>> into a problem that the links at the top for the various apps were
>>> being formatted as https://imp https://turba etc. so I decided to see
>>> if changing the $web_dir to /usr/share/horde-beta/horde would help.
>> This would only be appropriate if your vhost root is horde-beta/ and you
>> wanted to access your horde apps via /horde/{appname}.
>>> It does and it doesn't.  I actually do end up with
>>> webmail.example.net/horde/{appname}, but I get a blank page on login
>>> and the only way to get to imp is actually to go to the admin/config
>>> link and select imp from there.  Simply trying
>>> webmail.example.net/horde/imp doesn't work.
>> Sounds like maybe $app_webroot is wrong then.
> As I said, I put it back to where we had it on Friday.  Now the links
> seem to be okay.  However, imp says it can't reach the server

If you mean it can't find the IMAP server, this has nothing to do with  
how you are installing. This is a configuration error.

> and
> kronolith says the content tagger cannot be found.
> 2013-03-11T16:43:20+01:00 EMERG: HORDE-BETA [mnemo] Class
> Horde_Core_Factory_PermsCore does not exist [pid 21297 on line 60 of
> "/usr/share/git-horde5/framework/Injector/lib/Horde/Injector/Binder/Implementation.php"]

Either you didn't rerun install_dev or your paths are still screwed up.

> 2013-03-11T15:43:22+00:00 ERR: HORDE-BETA [kronolith] The
> Content_Tagger class could not be found. Make sure the Content
> application is installed. [pid 21297 on line 63 of


> "/usr/share/git-horde5/kronolith/lib/Application.php"]
> 2013-03-11T15:43:22+00:00 WARN: HORDE-BETA [imp] PHP ERROR:
> include(/usr/share/horde-beta/horde/imp/lib/Ajax/Application.php):
> failed to open stream: No such file or directory [pid 21297 on line 76
> of "/usr/share/git-horde5/framework/Autoloader/lib/Horde/Autoloader.php"]
> 2013-03-11T15:43:22+00:00 WARN: HORDE-BETA [imp] PHP ERROR: include():
> Failed opening '/usr/share/horde-beta/horde/imp/lib/Ajax/Application.php'
> for inclusion  
> (include_path='/usr/share/horde-beta/libs:/usr/share/git-horde5/horde/lib:.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear')
> [pid 21297 on line 76 of
> "/usr/share/git-horde5/framework/Autoloader/lib/Horde/Autoloader.php"]
> 2013-03-11T15:43:22+00:00 WARN: HORDE-BETA [imp] PHP ERROR:
> include(/usr/share/horde-beta/horde/imp/lib/Ajax/Application.php):
> failed to open stream: No such file or directory [pid 21263 on line 76
> of "/usr/share/git-horde5/framework/Autoloader/lib/Horde/Autoloader.php"]
> 2013-03-11T15:43:22+00:00 WARN: HORDE-BETA [imp] PHP ERROR: include():
> Failed opening '/usr/share/horde-beta/horde/imp/lib/Ajax/Application.php'
> for inclusion  
> (include_path='/usr/share/horde-beta/libs:/usr/share/git-horde5/horde/lib:.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear')
> [pid 21263 on line 76 of
> "/usr/share/git-horde5/framework/Autoloader/lib/Horde/Autoloader.php"]
> It shouldn't *be* looking in /usr/share/horde-beta/*horde* - that's is
> not what is set at the $app_webroot!

$app_webroot has *nothing* to do with the physical filesystem  
location. It's used to build the correct weblinks. That's why it's the  
WEB root. Your $app_webroot should be set to '/' if you are not  
placing horde in [vhostroot]/horde.

> I followed the advice suggested here:
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.horde.kronolith/6018
> but got this error.
> mail:/usr/share/git-horde5# php
> ./framework/Autoloader_Cache/bin/horde-autoloader-cache-prune
> PHP Warning:  require_once(Horde/Autoloader/Cache.php): failed to open
> stream: No such file or directory in
> /usr/share/git-horde5/framework/Autoloader_Cache/bin/horde-autoloader-cache-prune
> on line 23
> PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required
> 'Horde/Autoloader/Cache.php'
> (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in
> /usr/share/git-horde5/framework/Autoloader_Cache/bin/horde-autoloader-cache-prune
> on line 23

Your include path isn't configured in php.ini. You should include it  
in the command line in this case. E.g., php -d include_path="...."

> I'd like to think it that since I reverted to what I had on Friday
> that the $app_webroot isn't wrong and it's just a cache that needs
> clearing.  But I'm not sure how to clear the cache when the script is
> looking in the wrong place because the cache hasn't been cleared (at
> least that's how I read this).

If you are using file-based caching, you can just nuke the files yourself.

> install_dev.conf
> // The list of apps to create symlinks for
> $apps = array('horde', 'imp', 'kronolith', 'turba', 'ingo', 'mnemo',
> 'nag', 'passwd');

Content is missing.

> // The location of the horde-git repository
> $horde_git = '/usr/share/git-horde5/';
> // The web-accessible base directory for horde
> $web_dir = '/usr/share/horde-beta';

So, in this directory you see all of the horde apps listed, along with  
directories like /lib and /libs?

> registry.local.php
> $app_fileroot = '/usr/share/horde-beta';

Correct. Assuming this is the root of your vhost.

> $app_webroot = '';

Try "/".

>>> Additionally, I have this in the logs.
>>> [Mon Mar 11 13:51:36 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal
>>> error:  Call to a member function getInstance() on a non-object in
>>> /usr/share/git-horde5/framework/Core/lib/Horde.php on line 76
>> http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12103
> I don't think it's related to that ticket - it wasn't just turba affected.

It's still the same issue. There is NO way for that error to occur  
without your php being either broken or misconfigured.

>>> I'm going to but the $web_dir back to what it was, but then I don't
>>> know how or why the app links are being formatted as https://imp
>> Maybe something wrong with the $conf[server][name] value?
> I don't think I've changed anything
> $conf['server']['name'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

Try hardcoding the name.

The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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