[horde] Horde_Core-2.4.3

Nuno Carrilho nuno at znunix.com
Tue Mar 12 09:25:56 UTC 2013

Hello again,

Same problem. I've increased php memory from 512 to 1024Mb

[Tue Mar 12 09:03:30 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:
Allowed memory size of 262144000 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 23616
bytes) in /.../config/conf.php on line 0
[Tue Mar 12 09:04:34 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:
Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 81
bytes) in /usr/share/pear/Horde/ErrorHandler.php on line 168

[Tue Mar 12 09:23:34 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:
Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 77
bytes) in /.../config/conf.php on line 127

Had to downgrade again to version 2.4.1

Com os melhores Cumprimentos,
Nuno Carrilho

-----Original Message-----
From: christian.schulz at ewetel.net [mailto:christian.schulz at ewetel.net] 
Sent: terça-feira, 12 de Março de 2013 09:21
To: Nuno Carrilho
Subject: AW: [horde] Horde_Core-2.4.3

If Posse try to increase it again.
The error occurs in a different situation perhaps the errorhandler helps us.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Nuno Carrilho" <nuno at znunix.com>
Sender: horde-bounces at lists.horde.org
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 09:07:42
To: 'Oscar del Rio'<delrio at mie.utoronto.ca>; <horde at lists.horde.org>
Subject: [horde] Horde_Core-2.4.3


With new vwerison, 2.4.3, I have the same issue:

[Tue Mar 12 09:03:30 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:
Allowed memory size of 262144000 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 23616
bytes) in /.../config/conf.php on line 0

Increasing php memory from 256 do 512Mb:
[Tue Mar 12 09:04:34 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:
Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 81
bytes) in /usr/share/pear/Horde/ErrorHandler.php on line 168

Com os melhores Cumprimentos,
Nuno Carrilho

-----Original Message-----
From: Nuno Carrilho [mailto:nuno at znunix.com]
Sent: segunda-feira, 11 de Março de 2013 21:22
To: 'Oscar del Rio'; 'horde at lists.horde.org'
Subject: RE: [horde] Horde_Core-2.4.2

Hello Oscar,

Yes, I even rebooted the server .... If I downgrade to version 2.4.1 there
is no errors on PHP and webmail works fine.

I had this problem on 2 server's:
Fedora 16 x64 
and Fedora 18 x64

Same errors ....

Com os melhores Cumprimentos,
Nuno Carrilho

-----Original Message-----
From: horde-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:horde-bounces at lists.horde.org]
On Behalf Of Oscar del Rio
Sent: segunda-feira, 11 de Março de 2013 17:57
To: horde at lists.horde.org
Subject: Re: [horde] Horde_Core-2.4.2

On 03/11/13 01:10 PM, Nuno Carrilho wrote:
> I've upgraded Horde_Core-2.4.1 to 2.4.2 and I got the following problem:
> The webmai page does not open and I have the following PHP error:
> PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 262144000 bytes exhausted 
> (tried to allocate 23616 bytes) in /.../config/conf.php on line 0,
> <https://xxx/admin/config/> https://xxx/admin/config/

Cleared all the server cache?
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