[horde] ActiveSync problem - iPhone4s not registered

Karol Pomaski karol.pomaski at gmail.com
Sat Mar 16 16:06:58 UTC 2013

Hi All,

Well so I have already installed the newest version of the Horde 5. I am
using PHP 5.4 and Apache 2.2.16 based on Debian 6 Squeeze.
Everything works except the ActiveSync. I am using iPhone 4s for testing.

Inside the Apache I have added those lines:

Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /var/www/example.com/mail/rpc.php

<Directory /var/www/example.com/mail>
           Options +FollowSymLinks
           AllowOverride All
           order allow,deny
           allow from all
           AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
           php_value include_path ".:/usr/share/php"
           php_value open_basedir "none"
           php_value upload_tmp_dir "/var/www/example.com/mail/phptmp/"

php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
php_flag register_globals off
php_flag magic_quotes_runtime off
php_flag short_open_tag on

The problem is that the iPhone 4s does not get registered inside the Horde.
Thats rare. I was trying also to disable the SSL but still the same problem.

I know that ActiveSync module in Horde is based on Z-Push thats why I have
installed the Z-Push to make some tests With Z-Push my devices gets
registered without any problem and it can download the mails.

I have also made on step further, I have configured the z-push inside the
apache (with the config from above) and registered my iPhone4s, than I have
changed the apache config so that the alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
points to Horde's /var/www/example.com/mail/rpc.php and the device appeared
inside the Horde.

Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /usr/share/z-push/index.php
<Directory "/usr/share/z-push/">
      Options -Indexes
      AllowOverride None
      Order allow,deny
      allow from all

php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
php_flag register_globals off
php_flag magic_quotes_runtime off
php_flag short_open_tag on

Later when I tried to add one more device from exchange the error appeared
and I was not more able to download my emails. Calendar and task sync was
not working.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you for any hints on this. I really need to use the ActiveSync as the
sync funcionality is crucial for me.


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