[horde] An Easy Way For Client Cert Auth?

Christian Felsing pug at felsing.net
Thu Mar 28 09:46:37 UTC 2013

unfortunately ingo does not seem to read correct horde auth data, so a
hook must be implemented:

./ingo/config/hooks.php has following content:

---cut here---

class Ingo_Hooks
    public function transport_auth($driver)
        return array(
                'euser' => $_SERVER["HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_EMAIL"],
                'password' => sha1(rand()),
                'username' => $_SERVER["HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_EMAIL"]

---cut here---

password is a random value, because my certificate authentication based
solution does not need passwords (which are always forgotten by users)
and does not care about passwords.

The feature "Automatic authentication as a certain user" is a very nice
feature, if that "certain user" is controlled by a client certificate.

config.php?app=horde does overwrites
$conf['auth']['params']['username'] =
in conf.php with content of that variable. I don't know if this a bug in
Horde or if it an intended behaviour.

best regards

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