[horde] Ansel faces

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Sat Apr 13 05:44:37 UTC 2013

Horde 5.0.4, Ansel 3.0.0-git, updated from git today. facedetect is  
installed and recognised by test.php. Ansel is configured to use it. 

I have a gallery with a single photo, with three people in it. 

In Chrome, launching the Gallery's Find Faces function opens a page  
that says "Searching for faces in Test gallery for faces". On the  
right of the one photo it says "Loading". And never does anything  
else. If I click on "reget faces for this photo" I get an immediate  
and reproducible every time apache segfault.

No faces are recognised. 

If I click on Add a custom face range, the photo is loaded with a  
small movable box. Except the box is not moveable. :)

In IE9 the "Loading" but never showing and the segfault issues are the  
same, but the moveable box works, and a face can be manually added.

However the Faces are never listed on the "Searching for faces" page.

I can also not see a way to remove the faces once they are assigned -  
nothing that I can see in the photo's page?

Finally - libpuzzle.

$conf[faces][search] is set to 0, which I believe is default? I have  
libpuzzle installed, but no idea what to set the value to to make it  
work, and the text:

"Enable the similar photo functionality for finding similar faces? Set  
to 0 to disable, or enter the size, in bytes, that should be used as  
the photo's index length. If you don't know what this is, the default  
value should be OK for most people. You need the libpuzzle pecl  
extension to use this feature"

is of no help at all in working out what to set it to. The default  
value, which "should be OK for most people" is 0 - which disables it. 


Simon Wilson
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