[horde] Updating mail status on phone via activesync

Michael Wisniewski wisniewski at mwiz.org
Sun Apr 21 13:33:34 UTC 2013

Quoting mrubinsk at horde.org:

> Quoting Michael Wisniewski <wisniewski at mwiz.org>>
>> I have a Galaxy S3 phone sync'ed up through activesync to my Horde  
>> install.  When I receive a new message, my phone alerts me with a  
>> new message.  If read on the desktop and deleted, my phone does not  
>> update the message status as "read" and/or deleted.  I have to  
>> physically go in and refresh the mailbox on the phone.
>> Is there an option in Horde that will allow it to update the phone  
>> with the message status after it has been updated through the web  
>> interface?
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
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> It will update automatically when a new email arrives in the mailbox  
> (assuming the mailbox is being pushed).
> I think I'm probably going to allow mailboxes that support MODSEQ to  
> trigger a sync on flag changes as well.

Thanks for the information.  I don't want to be a nag, but do you have  
an estimated time frame on when this might be implemented?  I'm trying  
to make a decision if I should stick with the mail sync or go back to  
Dovecot's IMAP + Push.


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