[horde] Installation on Centos 6 via PEAR

Asai asai at globalchangemultimedia.org
Wed May 1 20:20:48 UTC 2013

> Zitat von Asai <asai at globalchangemultimedia.org>:
>> Greetings,
>> I played with Horde years ago, and wanted to try it again.  Last time 
>> I installed it, it worked fairly easily, but following the 
>> instructions now with the pear installation has proved impenetrable. 
>>  I'm trying to install by following the instructions on 
>> http://www.horde.org/apps/webmail/docs/INSTALL. When I try to go to 
>> the web console with the configs generated by webmail-install, I get 
>> a permission denied error from the database, although the 
>> wemail-install script succesfully sets up all database tables.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Thanks.
> Has webmail-install written the correct DB configuration into 
> horde/config/conf.php?
Hi Jan,

Thanks for responding (my apologies for emailing you directly, that 
wasn't my intention).  Yes, the correct DB info is in the 
configuration.  It creates all the tables when I run the installation 
script.  Here is the output of test.php:

  Horde Version

  * 5.0.4

  Horde Applications

  * Agora [Forums]: unknown
  * Ansel [Photos]: unknown
  * Chora [Version Control]: unknown
  * Content: 2.0.2
  * Gollem [File Manager]: unknown
  * Hermes [Time Tracking]: unknown
  * Imp [Mail]: H5 (6.0.4) (run tests
  * Ingo [Filters]: H5 (3.0.3) (run tests
  * Jonah [News]: unknown
  * Klutz [Comics]: unknown
  * Kolab [Kolab]: unknown
  * Kronolith [Calendar]: H5 (4.0.4) (run tests
  * Luxor [X-Ref]: unknown
  * Mnemo [Notes]: H5 (4.0.3)
  * Nag [Tasks]: H5 (4.0.2)
  * Passwd [Password]: unknown
  * Sam [Spam]: unknown
  * Sesha [Inventory]: unknown
  * Timeobjects: 2.0.3
  * Trean [Bookmarks]: unknown
  * Turba [Address Book]: H5 (4.0.3) (run tests
  * Ulaform [Forms]: unknown
  * Vilma [Mail Admin]: unknown
  * Whups [Tickets]: unknown
  * Wicked [Wiki]: unknown

  PHP Version

  * View phpinfo() screen <>
  * View loaded extensions <>
  * PHP Version: 5.4.14
  * PHP Major Version: 5.4
  * PHP Minor Version: 14
  * PHP Version Classification: release
  * *This version of PHP has not been fully tested with this version of

  PHP Module Capabilities

  * Ctype Support: *Yes*
  * DOM XML Support: *Yes*
  * MIME Magic Support (fileinfo): *Yes*
  * MIME Magic Support (fileinfo) - Configuration: *Yes*
  * FTP Support: *Yes*
  * GD Support: *No*
    *Horde will use the GD extension to perform manipulations on image
    data (compile PHP with |--with-gd|). It is recommended to use the
    PECL imagick library instead over this extension.*
  * Gettext Support: *Yes*
  * GeoIP Support (PECL extension): *No*
    *Horde can optionally use the GeoIP extension to provide faster
    country name lookups.*
  * Hash Support: *Yes*
  * Iconv Support: *Yes*
  * GNU Iconv Support: *Yes*
  * Internationalization Support: *Yes*
  * Imagick (PECL extension): *No*
    *Horde can make use of the Imagick library to manipulate images. It
    is highly recommended to use the PECL extension (although,
    alternatively, Horde can be configured to use the convert command
    line utility instead).*
  * JSON Support: *Yes*
  * LDAP Support: *Yes*
  * LZF Compression Support (PECL extension): *Yes*
  * Mbstring Support: *No*
    *If you want to take full advantage of Horde's localization features
    and character set support, you will need the mbstring extension.
    Compile PHP with |--enable-mbstring| to activate the extension.*
  * memcached Support (memcache) (PECL extension): *Yes*
  * MySQL Support: *Yes*
  * OpenSSL Support: *Yes*
  * PAM Support (PECL extension): *No*
    *The PAM PECL extension is required to allow PAM authentication to
    be used.*
  * PDO: *Yes*
  * PostgreSQL Support: *No*
    *The PostgreSQL extension is only required if you want to use a
    PostgreSQL database server for data storage.*
  * Session Support: *Yes*
  * SimpleXML support: *Yes*
  * Tidy support: *Yes*
  * XML Parser support: *Yes*
  * Zlib Support: *Yes*

  Miscellaneous PHP Settings

  * allow_url_include disabled: *Yes*
  * magic_quotes_runtime disabled: *Yes*
  * magic_quotes_sybase disabled: *Yes*
  * memory_limit value: 128M
  * register_globals disabled: *Yes*
  * safe_mode disabled: *Yes*
  * session.auto_start disabled: *Yes*
  * session.gc_divisor value: 1000
    *PHP automatically garbage collects old session information, as long
    as this setting (and session.gc_probability) are set to non-zero. It
    is recommended that this value be "10000" or higher (see
  * session.gc_probability value: 1
  * session.use_trans_sid disabled: *Yes*
  * tidy.clean_output disabled: *Yes*
  * zlib.output_compression disabled: *Yes*

  Required Configuration Files

  * config/conf.php: *Yes*

  PHP Sessions

  * Session counter: 42 [refresh the page to increment the counter]
  * To unregister the session: click here


  * *PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path)*:
  * PEAR: *Yes*
  * Cache: *Yes*
  * File_Fstab: *Yes*
  * HTTP_WebDAV_Server: *Yes*
  * MDB2: *Yes*
  * Net_DNS2: *Yes*
  * Net_SMTP: *Yes*
  * Services_Weather: *Yes*
  * XML_Serializer: *Yes*

  File Uploads

  * file_uploads enabled: *Yes*
  * upload_max_filesize: 2M
  * post_max_size: 8M
    This value should be several times the expect largest upload size
    (notwithstanding any upload limits present in an application). Any
    upload that exceeds this size will cause any state information sent
    along with the uploaded data to be lost. This is a PHP limitation
    and can not be worked around.

  Local File Permissions

  * Is /var/www/horde/lib/../static writable by the web server user? *Yes*

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