[horde] Installation on Centos 6 via PEAR

Dimitar Kunev dkunev at mventix.com
Thu May 2 23:29:50 UTC 2013


I am facing a similar problem. Any details on your solution would be greatly

Kind regards,

Dimitar Kunev

-----Original Message-----
From: horde-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:horde-bounces at lists.horde.org]
On Behalf Of Asai
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 4:12 PM
To: horde at lists.horde.org
Subject: Re: [horde] Installation on Centos 6 via PEAR

Global Change Multi-Media

On 5/2/13 12:16 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Asai <asai at globalchangemultimedia.org>:
>>> Zitat von Asai <asai at globalchangemultimedia.org>:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> I played with Horde years ago, and wanted to try it again. Last 
>>>> time I installed it, it worked fairly easily, but following the 
>>>> instructions now with the pear installation has proved 
>>>> impenetrable.  I'm trying to install by following the instructions 
>>>> on http://www.horde.org/apps/webmail/docs/INSTALL. When I try to go 
>>>> to the web console with the configs generated by webmail-install, I 
>>>> get a permission denied error from the database, although the 
>>>> wemail-install script succesfully sets up all database tables.
>>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>>> Thanks.
>>> Has webmail-install written the correct DB configuration into 
>>> horde/config/conf.php?
>> Hi Jan,
>> Thanks for responding (my apologies for emailing you directly, that 
>> wasn't my intention).  Yes, the correct DB info is in the 
>> configuration.  It creates all the tables when I run the installation 
>> script.  Here is the output of test.php:
> You probably have different permissions for your MySQL user depending 
> on the hostname then, i.e. localhost vs. the host that's being used 
> when you connect via TCP from Horde.

Figured it out.  SELinux.

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