[horde] storage backends suggestions

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed May 22 21:26:40 UTC 2013

Quoting Michael Cramer <michael at bigmichi1.de>:

> i have seen in horde 5.1 beta that now two more backends can be  
> configured like redis and mongo. are there any suggestions in wich  
> usecase which backend is the prefered one. or is there some sort of  
> comparison somewhere. i know that not every backend is the right  
> solution for each use case. be bo more concret is mongo now the  
> preferred one for caching/history/... or still memcache or apc? what  
> about redis and a sql based storage?

There really is no simple answer for this.  It is entirely  
usage/architecture dependent.

Wikipedia is a good start for learning the pros/cons of each system.   
If someone wanted to produce a pros/cons list on our wiki, that would  
be great.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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