[horde] Problem dismissing Horde events with Lightning

Heiko Schellhorn schell at iup.physik.uni-bremen.de
Thu May 30 13:38:38 UTC 2013

Hi again

> How does the exported (from Horde to iCalendar) event look like?

Maybe this helps / maybe it has to be:

Around 15 minutes after I dismissed the event I again exported the ics 
from webfrontend to check if it maybe changes and it did.
I have seen that for the event the X-MOZ-LASTACK tag disappeared.

Just two minutes ago the reminder came up again in lightning and after 
dismissing once more the X-MOZ-LASTACK entry appeared again in ics file 
at server.



   ATTENTION !!!!!      New Phone-Number:  62091
Dipl. Inf. Heiko Schellhorn

University of Bremen               Room:  NW1-U 2065
Inst. of Environmental Physics     Phone: +49(0)421 218 62091
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D-28334 Bremen                     Mail:  mailto:schell at physik.uni-bremen.de
Germany                            www:   http://www.iup.uni-bremen.de

The greatest burden in the world is the weight of your child's coffin on
your shoulder. Nothing in the universe can be heavier than that.

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Politiker zu bereuen haben, sondern auch das furchtbare Schweigen der 
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