[horde] Anti Spam

Arjen de Korte arjen+horde at de-korte.org
Fri Jun 7 06:58:15 UTC 2013

Citeren Andreas Mauser <andreas at mauser.info>:

> One last thing I recognized in the log file is
> 2013-06-06T23:07:38.065928+02:00 webster dovecot: imap-login: Login:  
> user=<andreas>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=,  
> mpid=23410, TLS
> 2013-06-06T23:07:38.320800+02:00 webster HORDE: [imp] Error  
> reporting spam: Jun  6 23:07:38.317 [23411] warn: archive-iterator:  
> no access to andreas: 2 at  
> /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/ArchiveIterator.pm line  
> 771.#012Jun  6 23:07:38.317 [23411] warn: archive-iterator: unable  
> to open andreas: 2#012 [pid 20387 on line 74 of  
> "/var/www/html/mauser.info/mailoffice/imp/lib/Spam/Program.php"]
> Jun  6 23:07:38 webster HORDE: [imp] Error reporting spam: Jun  6  
> 23:07:38.317 [23411] warn: archive-iterator: no access to andreas: 2  
> at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/ArchiveIterator.pm line  
> 771.#012Jun  6 23:07:38.317 [23411] warn: archive-iterator: unable  
> to open andreas: 2#012 [pid 20387 on line 74 of  
> "/var/www/html/mauser.info/mailoffice/imp/lib/Spam/Program.php"]
> I googled around and double checked the perl modules, reinstalled  
> spamassassin as mentioned in some forums but can not get rid of this  
> error.
> Any idea about this error?

This is probably not Horde related. You seem to be per-user spam  
reporting. In most cases, this requires spamassassin to switch UID.  
This won't work from within Horde, since it will be running as a  
non-privileged user (wwwrun or something like that).

If you indeed want per-user spam reporting, the easiest route is to  
fire up the spamd daemon that comes with spamassassin and use the  
spamc client for reporting. The daemon runs as root and spams off a  
child with the UID specified by spamc to do the reporting. Remember to  
configure the spamd daemon to allow reporting (this is usually not the  
default) by adding '--allow-tell' to the startup commandline. See 'man  
1 spamd' and 'man 1 spamc' for more options.

In 'imp/config/backends.local.php' this requires something like the  
following two lines instead of the existing ones:

    $servers['advanced']['spam']['innocent']['program'] =  
'/usr/bin/spamc -C revoke -u %l';
    $servers['advanced']['spam']['spam']['program'] = '/usr/bin/spamc  
-C report -u %l';

Of course, this will only work if the Horde users are also local users  
on this system. If you want to report as one specific user (not the  
one that Horde is running as), you may want to change the '%l' to  
something like 'vscan' or something (or put that info in  
'/etc/mail/spamassassin/spamc.conf', location of this file may vary).
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