[horde] SOLVED: saving ingo rules to sieve sieveserver fail

Arjen de Korte arjen+horde at de-korte.org
Mon Jun 10 07:55:37 UTC 2013

Citeren Andreas Schulze <sca at andreasschulze.de>:

> maybe I missed that while testing. Now I have again a simple config...
> # cat horde-5.1.0/ingo/backends.local.php
> <?php
> $backends['imap']['disabled'] = true;
> $backends['sieve']['disabled'] = false;
> $backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['hostspec'] =  
> '';

Close, but no cigar. I understood that you are running Dovecot Sieve.  
This requires another setting as well

    $backends['sieve']['script'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['utf8'] = true;

As long as your folder names are in US-ASCII only, you'll probably  
good without, but it is better to use the correct encoding (these are  
hard to spot errors). See also the comments in  
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