[horde] Sync contacts/calendar/emails with Thunderbird - Horde 5.1

Stephan Lauffer lauffer at ph-freiburg.de
Wed Jun 12 10:11:26 UTC 2013


Zitat von Steven Swarts <steven at swartsit.com>:

> G’day guys,
> Just wondering if its possible to sync contacts/calendar entries  
> with Thunderbird? I noticed CalDav and CardDav were part of the 5.1  
> release but how to use that I don’t know?
> Could anyone please send me in the right direction?

As others said: Lightnig works nice here.

Because of contacts:

A first short try here with CardDav and the SOGo Connector plugin  
failed here. If I am right at the moment we have no other addon/plugin  
for thunderbird to sync via CardDav? (sorry: OT)

I am very interested if anyone got Horde 5.1 syncing contacts with Thunderbid.
Liebe Gruesse, with best regards
Stephan Lauffer

[ Pedagogical University Freiburg - Germany ]
[ http://www.ph-freiburg.de/zik/            ]
[ Fon/ Fax: +49 761 682 -459/ -486          ]
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