[horde] CalDav with Thunderbird/Lightning/SogoConnector

Stephan Lauffer lauffer at ph-freiburg.de
Wed Jun 12 12:01:41 UTC 2013


Zitat von Michael Lehner <michael at lehner-online.net>:

> Hey there,
> I'm trying to use the new feature CalDav and CardDav of Horde 5.1  
> with Thunderbird/Lightning/SogoConnector.
> Til now with no luck at all.
> I use IMP as authentication method with my IMAP Server. The IMAP  
> Server credentials need the "@"-sign, so that my login looks like  
> this: michael at lehner-online.net
> I can remember myself that I have already read that there are some  
> known issues with my software-combination, the "@"-sign and Horde  
> 5.1. But I can't find that thread anymore and maybe a possible  
> solution for that problem.
> When I use the provided URL of Horde in my browser I get this error  
> message, which is a little bit confusing cause the user exists:
> <d:error>
> <s:exception>Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotFound</s:exception>
> <s:message>User michael at lehner-online.net does not exist</s:message>
> <s:sabredav-version>1.8.4</s:sabredav-version>
> </d:error>
> Thanks in advance for help.

We had the same problem here (using ldap auth).

A working - maybe horrible - fix for us right now is:

--- ./pear/php/Horde/Dav/Principals.php.orig    2013-06-06  
18:21:53.000000000 +0200
+++ ./pear/php/Horde/Dav/Principals.php 2013-06-12 13:56:58.000000000 +0200
@@ -88,2 +88,3 @@
+/* is _auth->exist really necessary ?
          if ($this->_auth->hasCapability('list') &&
@@ -92,2 +93,3 @@
          return $this->_getUserInfo($user);

But poorly this does not fix our sogo connector probs. It is just  
something against the "user... does not exist".
Liebe Gruesse, with best regards
Stephan Lauffer

[ Pedagogical University Freiburg - Germany ]
[ http://www.ph-freiburg.de/zik/            ]
[ Fon/ Fax: +49 761 682 -459/ -486          ]
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