[horde] Possibly missing dependency on Horde_HashTable [SOLVED]

Stephan Kleber stephan at admin.nabira.de
Sun Jun 16 09:41:31 UTC 2013

Am 06.06.2013 17:27, schrieb Stephan Kleber:
> Am 06.06.2013 14:46, schrieb Jan Schneider:
>>> [06-Jun-2013 13:03:48] PHP Fatal error:  Class
>>> 'Horde_HashTable_Memcache' not found in
>>> /usr/share/php/Horde/Core/Factory/HashTable.php on line 35
>> It would be helpful to get a full backtrace for that error message.
> Since the error does no longer occur after installing Horde_HashTable, I
> cannot reproduce (at last not on my production machine) anymore.

Hi Jan,

I managed to obtain a stacktrace on a testmachine which showed the same 

[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP Stack trace:
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP   1. {main}() /var/www/horde/index.php:0
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP   2. Horde_Registry::appInit() 
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP   3. Horde_Registry->__construct() 
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP   4. Horde_Registry->_loadApplications() 
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP   5. Horde_Registry->_saveCache() 
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP   6. Horde_Injector->getInstance() 
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP   7. Horde_Injector->createInstance() 
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP   8. Horde_Injector_Binder_Factory->create() 
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP   9. Horde_Core_Factory_Cache->create() 
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP  10. Horde_Injector->getInstance() 
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP  11. Horde_Injector->getInstance() 
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP  12. Horde_Injector->createInstance() 
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP  13. Horde_Injector_Binder_Factory->create() 
[16-Jun-2013 11:37:05] PHP  14. Horde_Core_Factory_HashTable->create() 


Stephan Kleber, M. Sc.
stephan at skleber.de

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