[horde] GnuPG Encryption - sent Mails

pillul at freenet.de pillul at freenet.de
Thu Jun 27 08:19:03 UTC 2013

Hey Guys,
encryption via Horde works great i can de/encrypt messages.
But if i try to read a sent message (of my own) it fails.
It seems like i cant decrypt my sent messages to different people.
When i put my own mail Adress in CC, i cant decrypt the message via horde, but it works in a external client (thunderbird+enigmail).
Horde gives me this error:
The data in this part has been encrypted via PGP.
The data in this part does not appear to be a valid PGP encrypted message. Error: Could not decrypt PGP data: gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found
I use the latest version of IMP (Mail (imp) 6.1.2)

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