[horde] Check for newer versions fails sometimes

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Sat Jul 13 09:00:23 UTC 2013

On the Configuration page, sometimes when I click "Check for Newer  
Versions" it fails with a message "Could not contact server. Try again  

The server is fine, everything else is working fine, and this  
functionality works fine some times... I have not been able to  
identify anything specifically different about when it does work. If I  
run "pear upgrade -a -p -c horde" on the server it runs fine, telling  
me today that there is a hord_memcache update available.

Is the error the browser not able to get information from my Horde  
server, or from my Horde server not able to contact the Horde Pear  

I put the logs to INFO level, and nothing was logged to correspond to  
the error presented in the browser.


Simon Wilson
M: 0400 12 11 16
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