[horde] Horde 5.1.1 problems with ActiveSync on Android

simon at simonandkate.net simon at simonandkate.net
Tue Jul 16 23:22:42 UTC 2013

>>>>>>>> I upgraded from 5.0.1 to 5.1.1 today.
>>>>>>>> Now Activesync doesn't work anymore as expected. Mail syncs  
>>>>>>>> fine, contacts and calendars do not.
>>>>>>>> I lost all contacts and calendars on the android devices. They  
>>>>>>>> are still available in Horde, but don't sync.
>>>>> Same Problem here. Everything syncs except the Contacts. This  
>>>>> used  to work before.
>>>>>>>> I am using two different Android clients for testing, both   
>>>>>>>> running different versions of Cyanogen Mod.
>>>>>>>> They used to sync fine with 5.0.1.
>>>>>>> Cannot reproduce. Works fine for me with numerous versions of   
>>>>>>> Android, both stock and CM.
>>>>>>> Any errors in the server log, horde log? What does the  
>>>>>>> activesync log show?
>>>>> Not sure if this is the same problem;
>>>>> I tried to sync a turba adressbook with only one contact via activesync.
>>>>> The synclog stops after the provisioning is done. Nothing more is logged.
>>>>> I'm syncing to a xperia z with android 4.2.2.
>>>>>> I investigated a bit further.
>>>>>> Wiped my android, and just enabled contacts sync.
>>>>>> This happens when trying to sync contacts:
>>>>>> http://pastebin.com/AF38BYS2
>>>>>> Maybe this error is relevant?
>>>>>> (Line 180)
>>>>>> 2013-07-10T15:10:51+00:00 NOTICE: [8428] Error saving state for   
>>>>>> synckey {51dd790e-4830-4ca4-91e6-20ebc0a80102}2: QUERY FAILED:   
>>>>>> Duplicate entry '{51dd790e-4830-4ca4-91e6-20ebc0a80102}2' for  
>>>>>> key  'PRIMARY'
>>>>>> This is how a request in Apache looks like:
>>>>>> Android ActiveSync Client is Android/4.1.2-EAS-1.3
>>>>>> - myserver.dyndns.org\\mailbox  
>>>>>> [10/Jul/2013:17:10:38 +0200] "POST  
>>>>>> /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Sync&User=myserver.dyndns.org%5Cmailbox&DeviceId=androidc1491253035&DeviceType=Android HTTP/1.1" 200 585 "-"   
>>>>>> "Android/4.1.2-EAS-1.3"
>>>>>> Because i completely wiped my phone I think it must be a change  
>>>>>> in Horde from 5.0.1 to 5.1.1 that broke it somehow for me.
>>>>>> It worked great for a long time before.
>>>>>> Thanks for any input.
>>>>> For the moment i sync my contacts via the new CardDav Service.  
>>>>> This works perfectly.
>> Happening to me also.
>> I reset the device's AS connection as part of checking something  
>> else, and Contacts no longer Sync at all to the Android device.  
>> Still sync to iPad OK. Email, tasks, calendar appear to sync fine.
>> I did a second delete / reset on the phone's AS horde connection,  
>> and re-enabled with just Contacts, and still nothing.
>> Horde error log shows an SQL QUERY FAILED error for the INSERT INTO  
>> horde_activesync_state, followed by an enormous list of  
>> \"NewMessage\" entries for what looks like each of my contacts. Here  
>> is an extract:
>> 2013-07-16T01:33:36+00:00 ERR: HORDE [horde] SQL QUERY FAILED:  
>> SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate  
>> entry '{51e498a8-a9e4-439e-a493-0b3dc0a801e6}2' for key 'PRIMARY'
>>    INSERT INTO horde_activesync_state (sync_key, sync_data, sync_devid,
>>      sync_time, sync_folderid, sync_user, sync_pending) VALUES
>>      ('{51e498a8-a9e4-439e-a493-0b3dc0a801e6}2',
>>      'O:34:"Horde_ActiveSync_Folder_Collection":4:{s:15:"haveInitialSync";b
>>      :1;s:10:"*_status";a:0:{}s:12:"*_serverid";s:10:"@Contacts@";s:9:"
>>      *_class";s:8:"Contacts";}', 'SEC10D1C297BE813', 1373938414,
>>      '@Contacts@', 'simon',
>>      'a:361:{i:0;a:3:{s:2:\"id\";s:60:\"20130311055925.-LOYZLAqDHeVWI5o1ubL
>>      uw5 at mail.simonandkate.net\";s:4:\"type\";s:6:\"change\";s:5:\"flags\";
>>      s:10:\"NewMessage\";}i:1;a:3:{s:2:\"id\";s:62:\"20130129094340.XFDFhY9
>>      RNmOQJmbNuE1bJQ4 at server.simonandkate.net\";s:4:\"type\";s:6:\"change\"
>>      ;s:5:\"flags\";s:10:\"NewMessage\";}i:2;a:3:{s:2:\"id\";s:62:\"2013012
>>      9094340.nrhEoNigM5oS60dsxbLT6A2 at server.simonandkate.net\";s:4:\"type\"
>>      ;s:6:\"change\";s:5:\"flags\";s:10:\"NewMessage\";}i:3;a:3:{s:2:\"id\"
>>      ;s:62:\"20130129094341.XLaIPJnNhrOyHhJ6bJ-e7Q2 at server.simonandkate.net
>> The phone AS debug log shows what appears to be the first 6 entries  
>> sync to the device (but which never actually show on the device),  
>> then stops with 361 to go with this:


> Possibly Bug: 12443
> -- 
> mike

Yes, fixed by the last AS upgrade, installed this morning. Thanks Mike.


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