[horde] Strange fix, sort of...

Michael Robinson plug_1 at robinson-west.com
Sun Jul 21 23:08:52 UTC 2013

        $servers['imap']['hostspec'] = 'mail.robinson-west.com';
        $servers['imap']['hordeauth'] = full;
        $servers['imap']['disabled'] = false;
        $servers['imap']['protocol'] = 'imap';
        $servers['imap']['port'] = 143;
        $servers['imap']['secure'] = false;

The above php file is backends.local.php and it is under imp/config.
The odd change is going from hordeauth = false to hordeauth=full.
No longer do I have to log in twice to use IMP.  Well, that isn't
exactly what I was after, I just wanted to stop the not authorized
for IMP messages and not being able to get past the IMP login.

   -- Michael C. Robinson

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