[horde] Mail search: Request-URI Too Large

Oscar del Rio delrio at mie.utoronto.ca
Wed Aug 14 18:11:18 UTC 2013

Anyone with Webmail 5.1.1, IMP 6.1.3 that can reproduce this bug?


- In Dynamic mode, go to Calendar or AddressBook (i.e any application 
other than Mail)
- From the "Mail" menu, try "Search"

The fatal error we get is
"Request-URI Too Large. The requested URL's length exceeds the capacity 
limit for this server."

The server logs
error: request failed: URI too long (longer than 8190)

GET /imp/dynamic.php?page=mailbox   (referrer /turba) followed 
immediately by

(etc... a huge URL of javascript code)

Mail Search works fine if you call it from the Mail application and in 
Basic mode.


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